

2021-12-19 Se unióGlobal

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  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight15 hours ago
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    I would like to say that although your main character is not complete trash and an idiot, but he is close to it, I also do not understand his attachment to Wanda and the Ancient One, although I consider them not important, because there are thousands of them and they are not unique, I could understand him if they existed only in one copy, he disgusts me because he is too stupid, an emotional idiot, naive and tearful snotter

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLighta day ago
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    The translator did a very good job and the translation is more or less good, also at the beginning the story was very good, but gradually it turned into complete garbage with forced comedy, the idiocy of the main character for the sake of the plot, where he loses to the naked female version of Naruto only for the sake of forced comedy and nothing more more emphasizing his idiocy and proving that he is a submissive

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLighta day ago
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    Trash , absolute trash , nah , i have hate this chapter , and now this fic too , 1 star

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight5 days ago
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    I liked the fic, but I don't like the fact that it misses so many opportunities and makes the wrong distribution of characteristics when it could first train and only then add

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight11 days ago
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    Can you do it faster? When will the time skip be? The main character is annoying with his stupidity and slowness, why didn’t he kill Vali? why didn't he use it as a source of energy for growth World Tree, why does it miss so many opportunities? and when will he start changing the plot?

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight18 days ago
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    It's okay and too predictable, usual from this author at early chapter the story is somewhat good but quite later gone downhill. maybe it's too early, but for me beside from mc power that slightly interesting, other thing feel like cookies cutter orphan mc who have hidden power seek revenge for his family death.

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight18 days ago
    respondió a CORNBRINGER

    I agree, go and kill yourself for this shit

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight19 days ago
    respondió a Jdotbenzo_

    Are you stupid or yes ?

  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight20 days ago
    respondió a Night_Hawk_2006

    Dude, you better rewrite the whole fanfic because most people judge a fanfic by the first 1-10 chapters, if they don't like it they'll just leave it and move on (Just like me )

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  • GodOfLight
    GodOfLight20 days ago
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    bro, this is too cringe and garbage for me to read it, so bye

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.