Just a writer
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More like the hunger games.
So he was always there
Am I the only one still wondering what happened to Raten?
Our Quinn is finally following in the footsteps of Krad.
Considering Vampires can't heal from injuries inflicted by a Werewolf, perhaps their blood is just as poisonous to them.
Level up Zombie... I honestly have mixed feelings about the book. Although we already get a nice look into the future potential of the story, the events that happened prior feel not as impactful as they could've been. This is only in my opinion, of course. Zain's personality gives me more chills than Ray's from MDS and that's saying something. He may be different from the other MCs, having his own unique nature, but how quickly he accepted his faith makes me think his turning had more to do with it. Anyway, despite that, the story has a nice progression. Barely up to 100 chapters, the novel is already taking up quite a following and I'll do my part to support the book however I can as well. If you are interested in an easy ready with unforseen mysteries or having a liking for the author's work, don't hesitate to give this book a shot. Who knows, it may just end up on your reading list.
I finally got the chance to read book two of the system trilogy, and in my opinion, this wasn't what I expected in the slightest. Following the storyline of an underdog teenager who's basically struggling for scraps, how he gets the system and the mystery behind it is something I believe leaves room for more to be discovered in the future. Being already 400 chapters in, I'm really enjoying the plot progression and the little subplots added as well. Still, I'd like to see what our Werewolf boy can do in the upcoming chapters.
I've been reading this book for a year now and I've finally decided to drop a review. Honestly, I find this book to be one of the most interesting and gripping novels to read on the app. Props to JKSManga. He really knows how to leave a reader wanting more at the end of every chapter. Everything is organized and has its place, something I find quite appealing about the book. Having read this book first before realizing it was the third book in a trilogy left a lot of things unexplained, but still, that oy made the story even better. There's a nice power scaling in the book, and the subtext used in expressing those difference are clearly fleshed out. And I can't forget about the story progression. With a quick beginning, the story started off nicely ironing out the plot, and things pretty much took their natural course from that point onward. In essence, I find this book to be a work of art you shouldn't miss out on, even if the story tends to drag at certain points. It will all be worth it in the end.
Dude just can't help but be himself in the current situation.
Now that's something you don't see everyday.