just endless nothingness that eats and eats and never gains mass are weight just …nonexistence itself
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No his right that is behavior degenerate . Don’t get me wrong sometimes if they do the harem good I would read it but most of the time it’s just so god damn weird . Harem just makes stories bad and they are always the some it always has a op MC , and he ends up getting the villainess . A sugermommy . A milf . the main heroine , a smart girl and sometimes some pedos even but Loli in , so yes anyone that read harem fanfic are novel back to back are weirdos and degenerates that have a very bad porn addiction and needs to look into the mirror and realize they have a problem and need to wake up to reality and realize fake girls in story’s are not going to satisfy there lonelyness so please go out side and actually feel the touch of a REAL female… enjoy the fic
Yeah maybe but if it was a recessive gene she would still look a bit Asian are Latina but in her pic she just like the most whites white girl in my entire life. She looks like she seasons her food with air no flavor. Maybe I’m just reading in to this to much .
Asian dad + dark skinned are Latina mom = Asian son(possible) Asian dad + dark skinned are Latina mom = WHITE GINGER SISTER (HOW) (ERROR SOMETHINGS NOT RIGHT )
“Well well well”
The diddler is trying to diddle
Jokes on u I don’t have a dad HA 💀
Why does almost everyone using my name for there oc I have read like 10 fanfic where the Mc is named Kai is my name that common 😔💀
Don’t be that guy
Ur the reason I don’t like reading fanfics bro . People be adding Harem in to every thing even when it’s impossible … I can tell that u have never experienced human affection from from the opposite gender before bro
Same gang