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I do have a reason. This guy made one of my favorite authors quit writing by posting hateful reviews. If you're going to be a leech, at least don't be a hateful leech! People who can't be polite to others don't deserve to be treated politely. Next time you intercede in a situation and call others out, at least try to check first. The guy's hateful review is probably still on his profile, if he didn't delete it.
lol ok im sure its very important whatever it is u do
bcs of ur h8 comment on 'Is it wrong to be a girl in a dungeon' ofc but i only said the truth did i not? if u cant correct a mistake correctly dont correct it in the first place, ur only making it worse. if author wanted to learn they will learn wrong bcs of u.
omg how could i have been so wrong omg u made a typo while making a minor correction im so sorry tysm for enlightening me maybe the author can learn and not make such silly mistakes
its bcs u shouldnt say anything if u dunno w. t. f. u talking about??? dont post corrections if u dont even know how the diff btwn sweet and sweat
author please dont listen to those h8ers, this is a really good story and u did an amazing job theres almost no good yuri on the site so pls pls update more
are u a f@king ret@ard? who the f@k posts a CORRECTION with a MISTAKE? hahahaha
ok incel