The Spark of a New Beginning
In an alternate universe of The Mech Touch, a cosmic entity offers three life-changing wishes to a soul about to reincarnate. Given the Multiversal Gamer System, Instant Mastery of Skills, and Super Perfect Adaptability, the soul awakens as Leon Larkinson, the twin brother of Ves Larkinson. Leon is now equipped to navigate the perilous world of mechs with power beyond anything Ves could imagine. However, he must balance his overwhelming advantages with the bonds of family, loyalty, and the struggle to forge his path.
(AN: I don't own anything except the MC and this is just one of my cravings so enjoy.) (AN: If I stop uploading it means I lost the drive to read The Mech Touch and it meant I'm reading something new and it will take me a few months to read TMT and continue this fic so yeah....... and btw I use AI in some or all part so you have been warned -_- )
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