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Awesome story! Hope he gets his cheats. And with the heterochomia; is Daemon Tywins' or is it simply due something else? Cuz if I'm not wrong Alyssa Targaryen mother of Viserys I and Daemon also had it so I'm 50/25/25
ya know I think he'll kill Tywin if the rebelion still goes as in org
Fun thing though: Jeor Mormont is hanging around at the Wall yet Jorah Mormont is techincally doing more for the realm of men and against wilderlings
New Head cannon: the names Terrasion, Arrax and such? no they aren't Valyrian gods they are the fav sweets of the kids and sounded baddass in High Valyrian
Perfect! Take your time!
hey lovely chaps! amazing as always! ubetter?
baby from Alicent will get an accident via Daeron?
Maybe it wasn't the fall? maybe he rolled out the crip in middle of the night and landed on his face and couldn't roll over or fell asleep and then was sore?