Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective waifus
Don't expect too much from this abomination.
As the name of this fiction suggests, the title I go by in heaven is the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus. I work as a life counselor for trash waifus in case you were slow and didn't catch on.
If you have any suggestions or ideas for scenarios you want to get some really shitty life counseling for, feel free to leave them in the comments and I might make a chapter around the scenario. Really though, don't expect any legit advice. It'll all be awful. Do not follow any suggestions given by this irresponsible god.
Please be advised, that the author takes no responsibility if someone decides to follow the shit-tier advice of the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus.
If this isn't your cup of tea, feel free to check out my more tame stories. They cover various different genres such as Action, Adventure, Comedy, Isekai, LitRPG, Mystery, Psychological Horror, Romance, Satire, Slice of Life, Supernatural, and Wuxia.
The work is not mine I'm just reposting the series
lmao1 · Fantasía
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