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That's why I won't let cliff-kun stop me! Cliff-kun can't stop all of us! *Jumps off random cliff*
For those unaware, Porlyusica is from Edolas, like Mystogan, and is Edolas' version of Grandeeny, like Mystogan and Jellal.
Edit:11 not less than 10. Commented early during reading
Odin: She’s a dangerous killer who can’t be reasoned with! *Hela currently singing karaoke in a Japanese maid cafe with her less than 10 best friend *
I really hope it doesn't work. I'd really like an erectile dysfunction joke and that's the best opportunity for one.
Are you talking about the son of Coul? I agree, something was off about him. His behavior seemed like he was shielding himself from them, though that might’e been my imagination.
Wouldn't they just make up nicknames? Like calling Shalltear something like Blood Lady.
Is that a wander over yonder reference?