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At Lv 45 Venusaur learns Synthesis.
of course.
Wes has 3 Pokemon on his team that are 2x weak to Ice Type Moves and 2 Pokemon that are x4 weak to Rock Type Moves.. Dragonite is 4x weak to ice and² 2x to Rock Type. So even though it's a very good Pokemon, especially for Kanto region. It doesn't work too well with the rest.
Wes knows from the games that Zapdos can be found in the Power Plant. He was just curious because in the games, Zapdos was a static encounter. His real goal for The Power Plant was still the Magnemite. Though i angre with you. I should have given him a better reaction.
I had considered giving Wes a Pidgeot. But in the end I gave him another Flying type, giving Pidgey to Daisy.
In many fun fiction novels. Authors usually evolve the MC's Eevee like that. Bat at the official games, Manga and Anime, such a thing was never stated.In the Competative format, Hidden Power is a Move that can help with Type coverage. Especially for Pokemon with not a diverse Type movepull, Hidden Power is a must have.Wes before coming to this world, was a competitive player, so he would never evolve his Eevee at the evolution that matched its Hidden Power Type.
The Shiny Rattata stayed with Professor Oak at the Lab.
Ash doesn't exist in this universe.
oops sorry my bad. For some reason it actually works against Normal Type Pokemon. Probably because in Gen 2, Gen 3 and Gen 4, the Move used to be ??? Type and could work on Normal Type Pokemon.
That is true, if only a Ghost Type Pokemon uses the Move. If a Ghost Type uses Curse, it pays 50% of its HP to deal 1/4 of HP damage every turn, to the affected Pokemon. If a non Ghost Type Pokemon (Like Eevee), uses the Curse Move, it will increase its Atk and Def stat by 1 stage, while lowering at the same time the users Speed Stat by 1 stage.