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The story could not be more generic, simple and unimaginative. Mc is boring and below average in all aspects. Characters embody extreme tropes right down to the very meaning of their names. I tried giving it a chance thinking it might get better but it continues to read like someone took reasonably inventive but mediocre ideas from Isekai Novels and Mangas and did not bother to innovate. Side characters also behave in telltale moronic manners reminiscent of eastern light novels and are incapable of basic reasoning and critical though. After reading the first few chapters I can't help but feel that my intelligence and common sense are being severely insulted. This reads like it is meant for entry level readers or preteens. The Story could have been written by an AI and have the same quality. That said, far be it for me to bar people from enjoying what they like. So read away if none of this bothers you.
severely overestimated you mean... she's behaving like a teen throwing a tantrum.
maybe but she isn't a jung naive women anymore but a "granny" she would be plain stupid/incompetent if she still things the same way.
She asked when he is wearing a lightsaber...
It's about being from a family that almost solely focus on chakra control/emission for its main offensive weaponry. There is only so much one can make him out to be a airhead until he would not count as any kind of prodigy to his family. Hyuuga are considered ridiculous strong for a reason and not just because of Byakugan... it is about their mode of prefered combat and what is needed for them to learn... in order to do anything useful in close combat. I dislike them myself but you are selling their standards extremely short.
Weird for me to say so but I'm impressed with the german. Not at all cringy and absolutely the right grammar and context. (c15) I hope it will stay that way. Lol Great read too.
Y know the sorting hat is a horcrux too of sorts sooo, happy meal?
He has not forgiven her yet. But he's fighting with his need for companionship and being understood so its probable he will do so partially.
Jeah the right word is realistic not scientific. author seemingly wants to put ml on a pedestal instead of being a normal human being. As in since ml has two seperate phd he "has to" think things through from a scientific view rather than one of plain realism, even when human nature dictates that questioning reality comes before scientific thought and possibility. Skipping emotional and natural thought development. Indicator for autor to want to manipulate our thought process (how smart/fast and different ml is supposed to be) and/or simplify and "dumb down" the writing process. That is the third red flag i got from this novel and its only ch.2.
Falling "into" a cliff truly needs a genius i'm surprised by ml resourcefulness.