

2021-07-31 Se unióGlobal

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  • NwithoneN
    Comentado por
    How long will it take Ozpin to realize there's no dead fish in his office? Oh sweet paranoia, maybe he'll start smelling a nonexistent odor?
    Streamer in the Omniverse
    Cómic · Calleum_Artori
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a iknowsomethingnew
    Among the three anime series "Big 3", the boss with the most oppressive aura is definitely Aizen. Maybe other bosses are stronger, but when it comes to showing off, no one can compete with him.
    Reborn with Steve Stand
    Cómic · Bleam
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a Supreme_Leader

    indeed, because he is not Him.

    He had a terrible childhood at the hands of his muggle relatives who He rather not remember.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Derivados de obras · Krio_Genix
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a Kal_Thanatos

    Same.... that the novel is good ofc...

    Tyranny of Steel
    Historia · Zentmeister
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a Vrex_123458

    I applaud your genius

    PS: Any theories?
    Fate/The Hunter and His Doll
    Cómic · Calleum_Artori
  • NwithoneN
    Comentado por
    The smell of blood...
    Fate/The Hunter and His Doll
    Cómic · Calleum_Artori
  • NwithoneN
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    "Did I stutter, goddess?" Unlike the goddess, Gilgamesh didn't feign the tone of his words; the disdain contained in them only seemed to increase with every second that the presence of the goddess was still known in the palace.
    Fate/The Hunter and His Doll
    Cómic · Calleum_Artori
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a Iwantalife
    "My 'home' Earth, so to speak, bans, denies the supernatural as an absolute rule. Even my current self doesn't have the ability to pierce such a barrier."
    Fate/The Hunter and His Doll
    Cómic · Calleum_Artori
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a quaint
    Fate/The Hunter and His Doll
    Cómic · Calleum_Artori
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a JasonAsano2
    The wand maker stiffened and answered, "What happened on that fateful day was a mystery for everyone. It was a few days after the defeat of He-who-must-not-be-named, and the entire nation was celebrating his downfall. However, a few of his loyal servants decided to attack Godric's Hollows to find their master. Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, and Rabastan Lestrange gathered a fighting force of over two hundred dark wizards and creatures and attacked your parents. No one knows what happened afterwards, only that all that remained of Godric's Hollows was a field of flames. There were no traces of James and Lily Potter, no traces of the Lestranges, only a small babe in the middle of a ruined cottage, you. Godric's Hollows is a historically significant place for our civilization. It's the birthplace of Godric Gryffindor, the home of countless magical families over the centuries. On that day, it's not just your parents that perished, but it was the lives of thousands of people, wizards, witches or muggles, that lived in this village. It's one of biggest tragedies in recent times, one that very few wish to remember."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a ParagonDaoOfBS

    50000 men vs 40000, 40k uses guerilla tactics and fear strategy's to weaken morale of enemy. the 50k discourages allow killing. whos gonna win

    Speaking of Voldemort, the stories really understated how close the Dark Lord was to invade magical Britain. The war had caused the death of over ten per cent of the entire wizarding population in Britain, and he was stopped by a magical fluke. If he hadn't attacked the Longbottoms, he would have won in a couple of years.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a NwithoneN

    Decision making*

    In the end, Harry simply paid the five galleons for the trunk and left. His next destination was Flourish and Blotts, a bookstore. There were already bundles of books, one for every year at Hogwarts. Harry picked up the first-year bundle and the introduction to the magical world bundle. He ignored the sneering looks he got when he bought the latter. It was a clear sign that he was new to the magical world.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a sean_robbins

    not the optimal decision, for four reasons 1.) There is no telling what calamity's are going to unfold in this au version of HP, so the books could be destroyed. 2.) There are teaching positions that are very volatile as every school year passes, the example of the DADA and CFMC classes come to mind it would not be smart to buy all of the books needed and then suddenly need to buy another set because the teachers changed. 3.) he has a limited supply of cash that he can burn (50 galleons) and the other (10000 galleons) in his vault for until he has a means of making money. So far his knowledge form the HP media is inconsistent at best. There could be something that costs a lot of money in the future and it wouldn't be prudent to just buy all 7 years for the convenience of not having to revisit the shop when with his self proclaimed goal of being a knowledgeable and powerful wizard will make him visit the shop again anyway. 4.) some of the books could be Lockhart-esc and totally worthless, just wait and see if some authors are bad or if any of the books are any good. The wizards in the HP media don't paint a good picture of wisdom and good decision making, so get the books required, but not the extra books.

    In the end, Harry simply paid the five galleons for the trunk and left. His next destination was Flourish and Blotts, a bookstore. There were already bundles of books, one for every year at Hogwarts. Harry picked up the first-year bundle and the introduction to the magical world bundle. He ignored the sneering looks he got when he bought the latter. It was a clear sign that he was new to the magical world.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a Cole_Tinsley


    Oh, Harry had no intention of returning here, but he had no guarantee on how the wizarding world worked, so he kept it as a backup. With that said, Harry let go of Vernon and the man still glared at him but was far more subdued, "He's got a point, Petunia. We always complained about him. As long as I'm not paying for anything, I don't care what happens to the freak."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a Sergeant_Joe

    my hand was chopped off. well you are lucky cuz I had my arm chopped off. Well I had my legs cut off. well im cozins with this commenter and he likes to compare wrongs and make problems harder to solve.

    As Petunia started spluttering but her nephew didn't give her the opportunity to make a coherent sentence, "Because it's not about me, is it? It's about you, it was always about you. It's about how jealous you are that you're not like me, that you're not special. It wasn't enough for you to ignore me as you did, to pretend I don't exist, you hid my family's legacy from me ever since I was a child. I was never angry at you because I saw you as you always were, a jealous woman that would never amount to anything more than being a housewife, while I knew that even without my magic, I would rise far above you."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a JonRedSea
    However, before Harry could embark on his journey to greatness, there was one pressing matter he needed to address. All of his dreams of freedom the Dursleys were completely dependent on the idea that he would be getting a letter from Hogwarts. Oh, he knew for a fact that he was a wizard, but Hogwarts might work differently than it did in the books. He could be invited to Hogwarts when he was older, or Hogwarts might not even exist at all, and another school might take its place.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    Comentado por


    Young Harry did not expect the admonishing voice coming from behind him, "Watch your language, Mr Potter."
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    Comentado por


    All that hope was dashed immediately when his mother told him of the staggering amount of debt she had to pay for her expenses. He always wondered where she got the money to continue, but the worst part was the fact that she didn't even seem to care about it until it was too late. She bought expensive clothes, and bought a new car a couple of years back, without even thinking about the repercussions of her actions.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a God_of_hentai
    Dudley lunged towards Harry who ducked and grabbed a fistful of sad. Harry then threw his sand in his cousin's eyes and had enough to even hurt Piers. Unfortunately, Piers was still holding him tight, even if he had been blinded by the sand. But Harry kicked his injured leg and the boy let him go while screaming. He stepped out into the blind fist of Dudley who hit him in the stomach. Harry retaliated with a much weaker strike of his own which didn't seem to do any damage. After another punch, Harry fell down. He couldn't breathe, everything was going black. Until finally, the familiar feeling of his 'freakishness' came back, and Dudley was propelled away from him. Although the boy still managed to hit Harry in the head before being banished away.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr
  • NwithoneN
    respondió a Daoist_Dennys
    Damn, this wouldn't have happened if Harry wasn't distracted by his weirdness. He should have noticed that there were no teachers and gone back to the cafeteria. He looked around and saw that he was surrounded. Damn, give him an intellectual debate and he would win with his eyes closed, but physical activity just wasn't his thing. Against five bigger boys, Harry didn't really have a chance at coming out of it unscathed.
    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)
    Derivados de obras · athass_prkr