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Hajdut sustrai lladre latru lopov zlodej tyv dief varas varas voleur dief ladroa dieb kleftis tolvaj pjofur thief zaglis vagis kpaaeu halliel zlodziej hot Bop meirleach nonoB zlodiej tat ladron tjuv kapak lleider
Words evade me at this point because I just cant say it many more different ways, maybe i'll do it in different languages next maybe then you'll understand why its not okay
You know i've spent the past twenty minutes flaming you, minutes I can never have back, but guess what? I regret nothing, its all worth it just to yell at low lifes like you
I wonder how many different ways I can call you a thief hold on i'll do this on another one of your countless stolen stories...............................
One word........................................................T.......................H...................I.........................E..................F In case you cant spell since you clearly cant write that spells thief
All i have to say is Ihate your fucking guts so very very much im to classy to say some of the things I want to say but just thought you should know the quality of this song is the quality of you as a person Only thieves steal others things and thats what you are
I feel like a broken record but it must be done. This isnt your work credit the original all you want, unless you get permission it doesnt matter. Your just another leech stealing other people's work
Not original at all, you just stole someone elses story. This is whats wrong with society, people like you. Come up with an original idea why dont you, you didnt even have the courge to give credit to the original writer
This isnt your work you need to take it down, crediting the original creator does not make it ok, people like you digust me.....................................................................
This isnt your work and you may have credited the original creator but its not yours so ypur stealing take it down you filthy thief .............................................................