


"I am the called by many names; I am the world, I am the universe, I am god, I am truth, I am all, I am one, and I am you." I also hate thieves.

2021-07-12 Se unióAntarctica

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  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    Kanté's eyes narrowed as he considered the challenge. After a moment, he straightened up, patted his chest, and said with unwavering resolve, "I'll stop Zachary at all costs."
    Deportes · Mujunel_the_Mystic
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    Bro gonna do a whole Paul Atreides speech.

    In this dream, he could see a grown-up Aemon riding the majestic Vermithor. He was clad in draconic dark armor, which had intricate red details, and when it shone against the sun, it reflected a beautiful dark bronze light. He was tall and strong, perhaps the tallest man he had ever seen. His silvery hair contrasted deeply with his sharp and beautiful purple eyes. He looked ahead with confidence and purpose. His aura was sacred and noble, it compelled Viserys to want to bow to him almost as a reflex, as if his blood recognized him as his king by instinct. Aemon was like a god of war who commanded not only fear but also respect in any mortal who laid their eyes on him.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    Quality > Quantity.

    I want to explain some things about this chapter. I originally planned to release it just like the last one, something between 5-6k words. However, as I was editing, people kept pressing for a release, and I understand—you like my story, and that makes me very happy. But you have to understand that I have a job and other things to attend to in real life, so sadly I don't have the time to write or edit every day. I mostly write this on my way to work, as it's the only spare time I have most days. Last week was absolutely insane at work, and even over the weekend I had to work, which is why I could barely release one chapter. This week will be a bit less stressful, and I should be free this weekend, so I can write/edit more chapters.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a Daoistd9QJca

    Agreed in the end the Prophecy always lead to something horrible. I thought this has been shown MANY TIMES AGAIN AND AGAIN.

    Ch 16 Chapter 16.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    "Gods... forgive me," he whispered, feeling utterly powerless and consumed by guilt.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    Yeah... can't fix that.

    He heard Rhaenyra's distant cries from the corridor, her anguish echoing his own. He had betrayed her, too. He had lost not just his wife but the trust and love of his daughter.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a Truth_Only_Reader

    By their I mean Rhaenyra and Aemons

    And behind them was a shadowy silhouette. He could see that it was also a male riding a dragon, but every time he tried to focus on his face or the dragon, his vision would blur and memories scatter. But he felt a deep connection with the rider, a connection that only blood could bring.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a SilentNight23

    I thought it was their son.

    And behind them was a shadowy silhouette. He could see that it was also a male riding a dragon, but every time he tried to focus on his face or the dragon, his vision would blur and memories scatter. But he felt a deep connection with the rider, a connection that only blood could bring.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a Jeezy_1898

    Let the sky fall...

    It was too late.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a demonic_archon

    It was not a handful it was MOST of them. Aenys, Maegor, Aerys II, Daenarys, Rhaegar, Baelor, Aegon The Unworthy, Aerion Brightflame, Rhaegal, and even Rhaenyra has a bit of madness in them. Rhaenyra was even called a female Maegor. It is definitely there after so many years of inbreeding.

    Even Aemon himself was taken aback by his own words. He wondered to himself, 'This is messed up. Is this the result of years living in this wretched world, changing my views? Or is the madness that lurks inside my Targaryen blood trying to burst forth?'
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    He must have forgotten since it has been ages since he has those memories, but if K was inserted, I would have remembered it because I've watched the show on repeat.

    "That's good then, but keep an eye on the matter of the Stepstones. I have a vague impression of this name from my past life." Rhaenyra nodded, now more concerned.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    Thank you for the chapter this actually made my day, because I keep reading so many HOTD novels to the point where there are basically none left.

    The guests, moved by the sentiment, joined in the toast, raising their goblets in honor of the late Queen Aemma. The room filled with a mixture of emotions, from the bittersweet remembrance of the past to the hopeful anticipation of the future.
    Legacy of the White Dragon : Dance of the Dragons
    Derivados de obras · HeroDuT1998
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    Wait huh?

    Daemon turned to see his mother, Daella Targaryen, approaching with a regal grace. Her silver hair cascaded down her back, and her violet eyes held a steely glint that brooked no argument.
    House of the Dragon: Baelon the Second
    TV · SruJan721
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a SEEKER

    What is silverwing eyes... blue!

    The two last guards exchanged nervous glances, their resolve faltering. They had never seen such ferocity before, and the sight of their fallen comrades only added to their fear. The way the princess stared at them told everything they needed to know about what would happen. Her eyes were cold and had a sinister blue light to them. It was a strange and dreadful feeling, as if they were being stared at by a terrifying beast. One of the guards felt his legs trembling and looked away from that horrific pair of blue eyes.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    I am predicting that what he saw in his dream isn't the spare but Aemon's and Rhaenyra's child.

    Viserys was disturbed by her words, and the guilt he felt in his heart grew worse, but he tried to justify his actions by saying, "I saw it in a dream, Rhaenyra. I saw you and Aemon together with this child, leading our family to heights never imagined before!"
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    Why is that surprising.

    A Surprisingly Self-Destructive England
    Deportes · Mujunel_the_Mystic
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a whyudothat_

    He was the better option than Rhaenys, as most of the control would've been from Corly's and would probably have the Targaryen name be extinguished. The fault comes from the idea of calling the Great Council, giving lords the power to select the king, giving them a sense of power. Vaegon and Jaehaerys knew that it would prevent a war, but they didn't know that it would have lead to a bigger one. Also, yeah Viserys is just straight up not a good king. He only maintained Jaehaerys peace and that is it. Mostly relying on his council to do so. Not taking any action for himself and is weak willed.

    Her eyes were filled with unwillingness and hatred as she struggled against her captors. Viserys stepped in front of her, trying to calm her down again, saying, "Please don't make things worse, Rhaenyra, you don't understand..."
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a ChoasD

    There is no way he would not. Especially seeing his sister and mother condition. No one will stop him, I dare to even say if a kingsguard try to stop him, they will lost an arm or two.

    Ch 15 Chapter 15.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
    respondió a romeotango148

    Reasoning is because there is always a need for a spare, yes there is an heir, but if the heir died suddenly i.e Baelon the Brave and the First Aemon, then the one who is left heir is Daemon, and no one wants Daemon to be the king, because he will basically be the next Maegor, but to be honest he would not but he would have a headache in managing the realm.

    Ch 15 Chapter 15.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon
  • Truth_Only_Reader
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    After reading it, you made me feel angry, and that just means you did a great job writing it to be honest. Also, I would like to see Aemon being there looking at Rhaenyra and looking at their mother, then father, then do it again, before literally jumping to go try to kill Viserys in a rage with people holding him back. I don't know, in that feeling when that happened I would've jumped at him and tried to kill him then and there. That is just my personal opinion on how a normal person would react in that situation.

    And a fair warning before you read: this is definitely not a happy chapter, so some of you might not enjoy it. I myself didn't really like writing this down because it reminded me of some bad things from my past. But hey, I don't want this story to be just about happy things, okay? There will be good moments and bad ones, just like in real life.
    House of the Dragon: Stars of the Realm.
    TV · Evilmoon