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I think author might just be stupid but this is actually the best thing to do. Too much attachment will hinder his path as a reincarnator, he will go to many worlds and must remain unfettered.
One of the nine sons of the Ancestral Dragon. Born with the sin of gluttony, it has the ability to devour almost anything It looks like a lion with a dragon head and dragon features.
Ya know I shouldn't have expected from this novel. I though the author would be different but he is just like those profiteers who milks their novel dry. Update I'm in chapter 1606 and nothing change, he is still the same mortal who has no control over his powers or wherever they are from. Felix always manages to come out as a disappointment. Ya know author I wouldn't have read this if your concept wasn't different. Its like using illegal drugs, ya know its bad for most of your days but atleast it gives you the pleasure sometimes. No offense but the story development is really bad. One of your concept is control over his powers but I see no development. Heck I even doubt if the universal scriptures are theirs, all of Felix's powers are borrowed. And you downgraded him by making him stupid, out of all times that Felix use his very bright mind he didn't realize that Lilith was after his core, oh right he did but guess what he still gave permission to Lilith. I doubt Asna still has control over her core. As for Felix, did he even have control in the first place. It is just plain stupid and bullshit, this story just hecking repeats its plot every single time. Ya know there's nothing even new anymore. Its's just plain, bland. Why must you repeat the tragedies again and again. What are you trying to make it realistic ha~h ha~h?. I hope you'll keep making those excuses so you won't have to continue the book at all.
Hospitality, but dark
I understand you Author, I often missed some words when I write an essay but I do proofread it though.
i wouldn't speak much but this novels really got into my nerves . it is very confusing. the power levels, time skips to mysteries it was all confusing. the first 1 to 1,500 chapters was great but from 1600 to the last chapter it all went downhill, timeskip so his enemies could have outrageous power ups, he became a god before his sleep and when he woke up his enemies were literally god slayers. and even the ancestor dragon ray talen got his memory changed so he became a major enemy of Quinn
Writing Quality : I must say it was quite good on the first few chapters but no, grammar, spelling, it was all bad. Your way of writing is also very chaotic. You keep changing perspective per perspective, leave plots hanging, you leave to much information which sometimes becomes redundant. You need to bring this all together.Story Development : It was very good for you make Moku your mc with it based on your synopsis, but you made a bad move, you change thr main characters perspective to another. And also you cant't justify you word of making in as record of the orc civilization because halfway through the novel you change perspective to human development, history and all that, which give me irked. Its not even story anymore, its a book of description. The later chapters focus more on information dumps which Is very unlikable. Character Design : I dont't even know what to say, abandoning first main character perspective and just leaving it on the plot armour disgust me, I hate it. Authors like you are incompetent.Updating Stability : No CommentWorld Background : Clear and unclear at the same time. You give too much details but not description, you're writing is more of whats going on, not what it is or whatever it was.REMARKS: Anyway you probably fattened your chapters because money, idk what to say. But your writing needs more improvmement. If this is your first book then congrats, your grammar and english might not be much but atleast you bring a world for us readers not like those out-of-spite novels. I wish you good luck in your next book. And if you want to be a great writer, webnobel might not be for you, money shackles the mind Author. Thankyou.
oh come on you guys know whats happening, he is going to turn her into a she-orc.