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Just so you know, there is a great difference between taking inspiration from something and plagiarism. While it has a few common things, such as becoming a spider after reincarnation, most of this novel is entirely unique, not following any other plotline created before. To plagiarise means to take someone else work and MAYBE change a few things to pass it off as your own creation. Taking inspiration could mean to want to incorporate an interesting thing you've seen somewhere else into your own work and make it function in your preferred way. Not copying, but getting an idea.Just because a few things may resemble something else you've seen before, doesn't mean it's the same. Please do your research and try finding out if what you think is true before commenting and accusing someone of something entirely false.
This book is simply amazing in every way. Great characters, amazing descriptions and not too much focus on just the mc. Every character has a story and a reason for being there. It's unique with amazing writing quality and long chapters. It's definitely worth your time
I'm looking forward to it!
This is probably one of the best books I have ever read, and that says a lot. I really love it, and feel like the wait for chapters is worth it.
This is amazing! Keep up the good work!