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Good novel to read. Need some improvements and it will be 4.5 stars.
dropping. why would he make a bet with family life on-line and mc thinks he has to do everything to protect his family (disappointing)
Isn't the whole point of AOT, is curse of Ymir, otherwise everybody would have become a titan.
what's with sudden change, out of nowhere. If he were change over a period of it would have good, its like reading completely different novel with sudden change. These sudden changes causes reader to lose interest to read any further. I mean make him leacher from the start or slowly in to story. These types of writing causing Author to lose credibility from writters.
why do many author's describe a child ( here it is 4 year old ) as handsome and most striking in the family blah blah blah blah like this. I mean he is a small child isn't it better to describe him as cute kid enough. I am not criticizing author, It just came to mind so expressed it.
I think titan shifters live only for 12 or 13 years of life. Isn't it also a sure way to reduce his life span. Surely you're is good for fighting using susanoo, but it can only used a last option as MC wants to live without reducing the life span.
what about sharingan's others powers like sasuke's amaterasu.
Comedy scenes were not funny at all. Although the scenes were meant to be funny, the way they were narrated in novel were very plain and sometimes stupid. World background was very bad. There are many plot holes in the story.
Compared to others, those ignots were free for him when he killed a beast. So instead of been b*****y about that, he should thank system.