Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm a small-time writer. Thanks for visiting! Find me on Insta! I'm not very active, but I'll try to do stuff every once in a while. @someone.on.the.net14 Starshooter11#2967
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imma be ded tmrw. finals are awful.
really? and here i thought it was because once he leaves, he no longer 'exists' and therefor the copies can't exist either
:V i personally don't support it either. my childe/hu tao may deal sufficient dmg but if it aint for bennett and diona, no wayy but hey, general gacha games have it where the higher the rarity, the better :/
Wait a second. No one's gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said language??? -Iron Man
Requirements for nominated Servants - the two that travel together must be somewhat related either through interactions, stories, etc.(i.e. Emiya and Cú, Nero and Tamamo, Jack and Nursery) - both servants must have some aspect to deal with stars or celestial bodies(i.e. Star attribute like DaVinci and Tesla, blue/purple colored like Brynhildr, lorewise related like Altera and Ishtar) - I'd prefer two females this time as I did two males, but gender doesn't matter too much
Until I catch up to the current lore time in GI/FGO, I'll be switching between GI->FGO and FGO->GI. The next next story will be focused around Unreconciled Stars, the meteor event that starred Mona and Fischl. Thanks y'all!
Hi readers! Author here. So in terms of story planning, I've actually only planned out this story and the next story because a kinda large problem with doing crossovers is that I'm planning to do them during events....but GI has wayy less events than FGO. So I'm still figuring out which events to highlight and etc. I'll probably post smthn next week regarding that^. ANYWAY~ The point of this comment is that I don't have a set upcoming character list. Long story short, I'm gonna be taking suggestions from comments that are replied to this one regarding characters in the next next story.
ahahaha, sorry XD. since its a collection of random crossover scenarios, there really isn't a set main character or anything like that. but one person that will always appear no matter what scenario is Lumine on the GI side and Gudako/Gudao/Fujimaru Ritsuka on the FGO side(mainly female verison though). So bc of that, I set the lead as female. Hopefully that clears it up a little :) (p.s. this book is ranked? dang never noticed O.o)
well oof. guess i forgot about that....i can't really refute barbatos being mentioned and no reaction but for morax(who isn't actually called morax by anyone here) and paimon, they're lesser pillars(unlike amun, barbatos, etc.) so....idk Unless i draw upon the story quest where only certain singularity servants fought certain pillars(fuyuki servants never appeared), which imo, is stretching it, just file it under forgetful author :)
for this specific story yup. thanks for reading!