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It isn’t, but I haven’t really decided, it’s going to be the one who has the most chemistry with the mc besides they are 11 way too soon to think about stuff like love
Yes it is
Well for example in class you have to do the problems which are assigned to do, and not the ones you want to do, it’s a small change but it really is significant. For example I dislike differential equations but give me any matrix problem and I’ll crack it in 10 minutes tops
Welp nothing I can do there, I hope you enjoyed the story until now and that you continue to find stories that you enjoy
I have begun mastering the art of cliffhangers
Not a lot but I do have a few they aren’t alien just the opposite gender lol
I tried to make it horror since it is terrifying for threads to come out of a book and entrap you before piercing your eyes, but I’m honestly not great at horror lol
Really? You don’t like Jarveys?
You still haven't given me any examples of novels in the Extra genre with mcs that use guns, like if you say it's overused at least give me a few examples
In the extra genre?!! Since when? literally the only good one I can think of that uses guns from the top of my head is The Novel’s Extra