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I liked up to 190 chapters. Then I got upset. The author is trying to make the character softer, but he behaves like Orochimaru, it looks stupid. Well, as I understand it, the author wants to place Kushina and Mikoto with the hero.... This is such bullshit.
Can someone tell me how to buy a complete work with faloo? I want to read everything, but the problem is with Chinese websites(. It is simply impossible to buy.
So. To be honest, everything started well, and it continued well, a little naively, but kindly. But the problem is that, first of all, the author made a mistake. This is my personal opinion. He named the hero Superman-Roger. Although here the story screams, name the hero Motherland!!! And the sheer non-tension of the hero is annoying. He's going with the flow. The author is trying to show us that no, it's not like that, he GOES BY HIMSELF!!! But the hero didn't give a damn about the author, he's a lazy ass who doesn't strive for anything, his strength falls by itself without any trials, he becomes stronger by the will of the author. He wants to sit with Thor, play a game, have a delicious meal and not worry. This pushes back to the 150th chapter. The hero is insanely strong, he can get even stronger, but no, he doesn't need it, he's fine with everything, he has no goal, just kicks from the author. Don't be fooled by the cool picture in the story, there is no hero who will go in front. It's boring here. It's a pity, I was hoping for an epic story.
I found the original, but it is through a Chinese application, in general, it does not register. I will hope for the translator that he translates from there. The story is very cool. Logic, no cultivation. In general, it's very cool.
Я впервые сталкиваюсь с таким героем. Почти 900 глав а герой ещё ребенок лет 12. Причем его путешествие началось в 600 главах. Смело можно говорить, что история минимум глав на 10000. Я честно когда начал читать понял что есть подвох на главе 180 на 250 я начал просто листать в перед. Я уверен автор не сможет закончить историю. Либо устанет. Либо не хватит времени. Не советую данное произведение тем, кто любит активные действия. Те кто любит описания всего ( я имею в виду буквально всего, как техническую инструкцию вам понравится) -10 балов из 10.
So, it was quite interesting to read up to 350 chapters while the world of the Piece was going on. Then it became a daily occurrence. Quiet, measured family reading. I'm sorry, I came here to read how the hero says "ARA-RA!!! Speed is weight. Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?" But unfortunately, the hero has become mega strong and nurses his children. 300 chapters are good, cheerful, dynamic, the other 500 are daily problems of the story, a little adventure and that's it. As if life after success, I would say it's not bad, no, but alas, I will give a bad grade because of this. There are so many chapters about Conan. It's just fucked up.
It's incredibly long-winded. So much so that it's just terrible. We are reading the history of Godzilla from 1 to 500 million years old. I'm serious, in general, everything, all periods of the Earth. Then the author catches up with the fog about Mothra. Then he does some more shit. I came to read about a huge Monster that demolishes everyone and everything and dominates and humiliates all living things. If that's what you came for, leave. It's a fucking biology lesson.
A hero without principles. I'm ready for anything for the sake of the system's points. In general, the bloodthirsty bastard is no better than pirates. It's good that the author doesn't hide it.
I couldn't read it, I tried, I quit on the 200th chapter. It's a meaningless story. Which takes the same pattern from time to time. By the 1000th chapter, the tasks are getting harder, the limitation of the heroes' powers, as always, they are already so strong that they can simply erase worlds with kicks. Further, if the author does not finish, then the heroes will have to be placed in the sperm, deprived of strength and arrange races.
In this chapter, when the hero hits kaido, he uses weapon hacks, reinforcement, and conqueror's winding, right? Or does he not own it?