I like food... and ducks
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Dam 61" jack is tall bro
By then i think asher had already become a vessel for the monarch and it was too late
Omg hes probably involved somehow; his life is miserable. Pls give him a fat buff author ;.(
Hes doing it to himself
Emotion this emotion that why are they so obsessed xd like why not find better ways to improve or even cen harness the emotions. Maybe something happened in the mothers past…
Nah she cant kill him; she doesnt know it but he has a lil something called plot armor
what a joke of a kingdom xd. I know someone is behind the scenes manipulating- but dam they are just getting walked all over by a mere prince. Maybe the king is too passive
Thats like yelling at everyone to look at him
I think if he was truly trying to be lowkey, being one of the two non-skilled students just isnt it