


In the realm of my ink, destinies rewrite, worlds are reborn. Art breathes life into words, O seeker of power and life. Embrace my pen's might, doubt no more, for I am the Pen's Maestro.

2021-04-24 Se unióGlobal



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Note - This story is also available on Royal Road MY profile link of Royal Road- "https://www.royalroad.com/profile/303059/fictions" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Year 2022, A great disaster struck the earth which almost wiped out more than half the population within 2 months, The remaining population decided to forget their enmity and became united. 20 years after the great disaster, a group of scientists finds a ‘Book’ inside a mysterious temple hidden between the Great Himalayan range, which opened new paths for the human civilization that people used to think was just a fantasy at that time. A few centuries later, Humans already step their foot on interstellar travel and colonized a lot of new planets. At this time a mysterious signal was detected by the human and they finally decided to send a group of ‘Travelers’. Jason, a mysterious person is one of the people from that group who was surrounded by layers of mystery and gets a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Join me on this journey to find out how the opportunity not only changed Jason’s life but how it totally changed the whole human race whether the change brought Good or Worse change. Watch how the mystery started to unravel one by one as things came to light that was hidden from society. Join Jason’s mysterious journey to find the mystery about him, society and lastly the universe along with him. New Chapter will be uploaded every “Monday—Wednesday—Friday” Bonus Chapter at every 20 Power Stones. Join My P—A—T—R—E—O—N “patreon.com/penmaestro” To read 10 chapters ahead. Guys support me on P—A—T—R—E—O—N so that not only I can post chapters for free but it will also help me to stay motivated so that I can write more and more chapters for you. P—A—T—R—E—O—N Members Benefits :- patreon.com/penmaestro 1. New Chapter every day except Sunday 2. Special photos 3. Bonus story every few weeks 4. Special sponsor chapter 5. Members get the power to suggest new things. 6. One to one conversation with me every week ............................................................._____........................................................................______ Warning: This novel features a semi-villainous protagonist who can do anything for those that come in his path to achieve his goals but he also had some rules that made by him that he follows. His choices, actions and decisions will be sometimes right and wrong but as the story will progress he will become better and better. Note: All the religion shown in this story is totally fictional and had nothing to do with any religion that is in the real world. Note 1: For the first 100 chapters the story will be very slow to allow for better world-building and development. Also after 100 chapters, the story will run some time fast, normal and slow speeds as per the story's needs. If you're looking for a fast-paced action story with an op mc from the start, this might not be for you but you can still give it a try, who knows this might be the one you are looking for. Note 2: The earth and all the things that are shown in this novel are totally fictional and a lot different from our real world. So, a lot of things will be different compared to our earth Last but not least Thank You, guys, for all the support if not for you I will never have the power to continue this novel. Stay Happy, Healthy and Wise “Sayonara”.

Penmaestro · Fantasía
77 Chs