

2021-04-12 Se unióMalaysia

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  • Pirapaca_520
    Pirapaca_5203 years ago
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    As fun and entertaining this comic can get, please put up the most important thing such works need: ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️. Not just in the description but also as a tag. Not everyone would know how this story goes hence an early warning would be appreciated.

  • Pirapaca_520
    Pirapaca_5203 years ago
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    The story drags out too long with its slow pace, info dumping word vomit, and uninteresting change of POV. The execution of the plot is badly planned, in my honest opinion, because the early arc built up too much hype only to reach a rather anticlimactic conclusion. I get that the first arc is not supposed to be that important seeing as the real goal only begins in the second arc, but to spend over 300+ chapters building up something that is just a "compulsory" side project really drains my interest and patience. An OP character is not always a good character, especially when their development is just a linear path. Such is the case with this story's main character. I got bored of him and his story that I almost just skipped the entire work just to read what little there is about the side characters like Bennett and Hila. Mentioning existing anime and video games does not make a great content either when it is nothing more than just mentioning them. No Game No Life is a good example in that the anime actually leaves an impact when referencing another anime rather than just saying their names. All in all, I give up with this work. It's too mind-numbing to read and it has no clear end goal.

  • Pirapaca_520
    Pirapaca_5203 years ago
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    Consistent grammatical errors from start until the end, but they are minor enough that unless you are a perfectionist it should not be a bother. The title of the work is misleading as the Hero of Light hardly played much of an antithesis role to the Demon King. It should have been named something else. Plot-wise, everything is badly paced. From dragging out too long unnecessarily to being rushed all over the place, there was a lack of proper focus. The story is rather mediocre too, in my honest opinion, as there was not even a single chapter that was impressionable at all to me. The author gets an A+ for effort. Otherwise, this work is boring.

  • Pirapaca_520
    Pirapaca_5203 years ago
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    Out of the three available English translation for this novel, this is clearly the best. If only the chapters were up to speed it would be even better.