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my heart broken already seeing the story proceeds I want jin and shui to be together and Alex and lin to be together why author this plot now jun is with ai why cannot jin with shui.
I was thinking the same but i don't want that because hou lin and shui both will be left.
waiting for chapters
pls got don't want another nina and another suffer like rafael.
if yahui got second chance then she should fix the issue between shui and jin and also live happily with lin . author in which way u are going to take forward the story
there were 2 people naila and Sheila and this Gabriel is common author I am not understanding
author no more chapters update
pathetic author already she had so much and u want this again please end this book we cannot take it any more and u will again show her happy with Xavier again having sex with him
who tried to kill him ?
why chalpters not opening