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Ahhh! This is sooo good!! Keep up the great work!!
Yeah seemed a little tone deaf to use OCD as it is in pop culture rather than as an actual illness
Sorry i only read up till the free version so i Could have totally missed some stuff but it was just Not for me but good luck with your novel noneTheless
Maybe i am being too harsh, but i did not enJoy the two dimensional characters even though i usually do enjoy the werewolf soulmate genRe, This just didnt seem to Have Rich characters just people with basical personalities
Maybe im being a bit harsh, but everyone seems so twO dimensional and the plot seems super predictable. like we get it they are both hOt and the sTepsis stepmom mom dad everyone is a one dimeSonal charcter with like two personality traits. The stepmom and step sis they are Just so borIng like yay they are “evil” and “boring”