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It's finally happening! 💖
I must have missed something. Why is he lying?
Damon's is still playing the blame game about his parents death. He was very young and I don't think that he realized that Shaamans don't submit to Alphas but Alphas submit to the wisdom of the Shaaman but not the man himself.
It will definitely be interesting. The most interesting will be if Damon will submit to Gideon's wisdom. Remember Damon still doesn't understand the concept that Shammons don't submit to Alpha's but Alpha's submit not to the man but to the wisdom of a shammon.
I was not expecting that one. However I am extremely happy for Mindy as she did not want to be mated to an Alpha.
If Marcy has any brains she will beg George to save her.
I don't think Axel is going to get a chance to talk. Lia and Tanya are going to be busy tracking down Lina and Maya.
What I imagine Kai's wolf to be doing