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No. Just... no. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus consequat vestibulum consectetur. Maecenas ullamcorper scelerisque magna, id aliquam libero varius ac. Curabitur volutpat posuere semper. Aliquam congue tellus sem, dictum pretium dolor fermentum et. Quisque et est vestibulum, sagittis dui sit amet, semper tortor. Phasellus a blandit mauris. Nunc efficitur semper lacus in commodo.
You truly are shameless. Plagiarism is a serious crime, especially towards what amounts as Cambrian's job. They put their own time and effort to create a world which you ripped and placed here. The least you could have done was ask permission, but clearly you aren't even capable of that
At this point, you've stolen so many works from the original author I'm running out of words to describe how utterly stupid plagiarism is. Please, delete these posts and then delete your account.
Imagine a world where you, putting your heart and soul into your effort, make something that entertains so many people from around the globe. Now have someone take it from you. Not the greatest, is it?
You shouldn't steal works from authors that put their time and effort into what they're clearly passionate about. That's just not right. "Giving credit" doesn't matter when the person who actually made this story doesn't approve of this posting.
Don't plagiarize, kids. Stealing is bad, and you should feel bad. The poster mentioned that they would delete this if Cambrian wishes. Kindly inform them about it.
Kindly delete this, then. This post has been called to their (Cambrian's) attention and they do not approve of this.
Don't plagiarize work you didn't do. It's shameful that you somehow find this acceptable. Even if you "credit" the author, you never received permission from them to do this.
Don't plagrize works that the original author spent their genuine time and effort on. It doesnt matter if you "give credit", you didn't receive permission from them. Shame on you.
Come on man, don't plagiarize... It doesn't matter what you put in the description, if you didn't receive permission to post what the original author spent their time and effort on, you shouldn't spread it.