Your Lord, the Ninth Satan, has returned from his banishment. Prepare to face my terror, impudent insects. I shall continue ever forwards on my goal to destroy this website, prepare thyself! Kneel!
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I feel like you don't live in the real world. Do you really think that people care this much that you hate Japanese cartoons? Who cares? Look in a mirror, attain some self awareness.
An interesting premise that is completely ruined by the translation. I have read MTL before and this novel seems to be a tier below it. Nothing is capitalized, grammar is all over the place, people change names every sentence, it's just not worth piecing together this puzzle. If you're going to upload a translation, the least you could do is try.
You have not attained Supreme Grandmastery over the Hatred Path.
Naive. Why do you think they are priced so high in the first place? Those aren't petty profits, they're the main profits.
Extremely risky. Creating your own login without a high coding skill is begging to be hacked, and once consumer information is leaked your company is pretty much over.
A lot of projection in this post. I can tell you got bullied as a child, both at school and at home. The rope awaits.
Don't care, didn't read. Keep it short or keep it to yourself.
If you knew anything about boxing you'd know that most champions were extremely arrogant and only began to lose due to prolonged exposure to injuries and old age. Read some books kiddo.
I'm not your father. I would never accept a child with skin the same color as mud!
I'll admit your stories are good for sleeping. They're so dreadfully boring..