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Ah, so that's what happened. What a prick. Shame he died before Black Cat could uppercut the cunt.
Pretty sure it happened while she was in College or Highschool. There was most likely some drunk dickhead involved as well.
Devour a Giant. The bigger the better. You'll get a gigantic *get it ;)* boost to your physical strength, durability and stamina. I say this because a Giant's strength seems to be, even if only a small amount, linked to magic. Which means it's a magical ability of theirs. Which means it's ripe for the taking.
I mean, yeah, if you don't read passed the first three letters of Damien's name. Plus, dude...this story is coming from Damien's perspective. If you see a name that has 'D-A-M' in it and it's not someone speaking, it's most definitely gonna be the MC referring to Damon. MC doesn't think in the third person lol.
Yeah, most people probably suck ass at fighting when compared with an Army Ranger. Jokes aside, it hasn't been shown yet but his dad is teaching him how to fight different types of fighters. So, he's adapting to fighting in general and not just his dad's style. Which is especially true when you have amped up Lycan reflexes and warrior instincts.
No, it's just cheating. He's not worried about the morality of cheating or getting caught either - he's just saying that there'd be no point to doing it because he wouldn't even have to try. I'm sure an NFL player would say the same if you asked him to play against a group of toddlers.
Or new could mean it's being added to the world and that it wasn't there before but with that notification of 'New subspecies', it's been added. Which includes all the lore needed for his existence to be accepted. Which should be implied - because if it wasn't, how else would I be merging all these different TV shows together? Use your brain, man. Either way, you don't get to dictate the words I use and their meanings in MY book. Look, either read the book or don't. I didn't ask for someone to point out the flaws in my story - if I did, I'd pay a professional editor to do so. Not some random person online. I'm doing this for fun, not for a career.
Bruh what difference does it make? Whether there are other Lycans or not? It doesn't. There being others before him just adds some world building. If he changed into a Lycan instead of a Werewolf, I'd have to waste chapters on his dad's reaction to his son being some new kind of supernatural creature. That's just be annoying as hell. A waste of time too. I really don't know why you're getting your panties in a twist about it. Just seems like needless nitpicking.
They do know what he is. He's a Werewolf subspecies. They just didn't know he was a Lycan until he changed and prior to that, they thought he was an ordinary Werewolf like them.
Besides, the first person he gets with isn't necessarily the person he'll spend the rest of his life with.