Just your avarage john joe.
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enchiridion, tho it would be hilarious to see an insane warlock finn ngl.
nah, by logic she's a bonified GGilf
baking is chemistry and math cooking is art
wasteful since the quest boosts his strength to a high class devil after the trial quest but not over it so using it afterward would yield more gain
Everyone has a right to make their own choices and I respect them, do I agree with them? Sometimes, sometimes not but I don't condemn the person for it. Everyone has their own views on things and i accept that otherwise that would be hypocritical of me. You think their nasty, that's ok. I think their not, and that is also ok.
urg, another author needlessly hating on love goddesses, Aphrodite, Freya, bastet and oh so more all hated cuz they sleep around as if they are so different than the MC in most stories.
ironic that the fish watches cats
that's the grey sisters