


Have the highest accomplishment in dao/law of laziness.

2021-02-15 Se unióUnited States

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  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    i feel like mc should have good money making ability by having so many talents.

    Ch 19 Chapter 19: A Year to Remember
    The Human Giant
    Fantasía · Mr_Palados
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    this chapter is too weird. now specific talent for just one skill is very oddly convenient for mc to just pick up and another thing is did he not notice someone with good talent for so long here, it's like this guy just appeared in time of need as the plot needed to be moved forward. i also feel author making mc stupid so he wouldn't progress too fast like not using he cheat to the fullest, as he has an chance to copy talent once a day but it doesn't accumulate so he should obvious just cheat once as it won't be wasted it doesn't necessarily have to be martial arts talent it could be any talent as long as the chance is not wasted.

    Ch 14 Chapter 14: Limit Breaker part 1
    The Human Giant
    Fantasía · Mr_Palados
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    how is he going to get the van out of here as starting it will cause a lot of noise, if he wants to Ram through then what the point Walker blood plan.

    Ch 39 Chapter 39
    The Unbound (Multiverse: The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones?)
    TV · Xenon_graves
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    it is a good light read for passing time. my main problem with this novel is consistency it doesn't stick to one theme. like for some there two chapters about psychology in between for no reason like the author read Reverend insanity and got inspired to write, it was not that those were bad but it is way too random and not consistent with the story. another thing is author heavily replies on the fact reader should be familiar with xianxia novel. world building was okish at best, author did put some effort in geography and sects but that was it other that the cultivation system really most generic one on top of that author don't even strach the surface try to explain it we just take them at face value but because of that realms really lose their weight. i personally love the system novels if it is done well. it is done well(in my opinion) when the system is not too op and mc has to be creative with it for him succeed in various difficulties he faces. here calling the system OP would be an understatement this system is beyond broken because he just need exchange point he can anything he wants and it's not like exchange points are hard to come by like only be found on some artifacts no he can literally get exchange point form everything around him and spirits stones. so getting exchange points is also not hard. that's why I said this was a light read and the thing I loved most about this novel is probably the comedic undertone, hit the jokes when needed and keep it serious when necessary .

    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    so basically primordial chaos .

    Cultivating in celestial energy host will have the ability to harness the power of celestial energy to cultivate and enhance your skills, not just those related to space. This is because celestial energy is the source of all other energies, and as a result, you can use it to practice different element skills as well. It is important to note that celestial energy is not just limited to the space element but is in fact, the foundation for all elements. As a cultivator, understanding and harnessing the power of celestial energy is crucial in order to achieve greater levels of strength and mastery over your skills.]
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    i feel like the story is going to face slapping detection. i like the mc better when he was low key, not because I don't like high profile MC but there are no explanations and things just become convenient so the mc could mc could show off. since when did he learn to control his qi this masterfully or for when can he control his qi outside of his body . why can fight above his realm with an sword technique which has no explanation if can't even explain the sword technique at basic level or how does an level second qi refinement have enough qi to damage an foundation building. if he level 9 qi refinement then it would have at least believable.

    Ch 39 Han Cai Enters The Arena
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    it would have been better to learn a new skill as jumping realms is too big of a deal and as the author said it hasn't been done before so way to high profile.

    Ch 26 Rumours
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    another thing to add is an 11 year old carrying a sword and walking in snow is way too adorable.

    Ch 24 Zhou Faction
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    i feel like sword skill could have been more explained because it feels unreal to fight a major realm above you. it would have much more fitting if he gained something like sword intent at level 3 which explains jumping realms . another explanation could that foundation building aren't just that strong to begin with.

    Ch 24 Zhou Faction
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    it makes sense to be low key but I hope he will be more smart low key like if some people stand in line, the people at the forefront are the most handsome and talented behind them are talented behind them are handsome and mediocre and so on till end of line are ugly and untalented. who do you think will get most attention obviously one at the front and and end. my point being be middle of line. you can be wolf in sheeps clothing but it has more disadvantage than advantages as sheep will get targeted often it is just better to be in wolf pack than sheeps herd while not being the most eye catching lion and end up in an zoo.

    Except his cultivation and charm there was growth in all of his stats. He intentionally did not increase cultivation or charm. The less he was noticed by the people the more peaceful his life will be.
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    loving the novel but please make the chapters longer

    Ch 19 19 Months
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    doesn't that require him to master the skill also those who know the skill should be able to tell. another thing is that it is a physical skill which means it is easy to reveal before muscle memory. just my speculation as there could be other reasons like the system giving him full mastery over skill??

    But there was no tool in outer sect hall that could measure his skills . They will see his sword skill at the level he would like to show them.
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    this chapter was short but quality was good.

    Ch 4 Medallion
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    The novel is quite good so far. only nitpick i can think of is the info dumps too obvious, info dumps are not bad but rather than having them repeatedly in few paragraphs why not integrate in different part. also they very eye catching because author repeat some word like city or poor people form last episode.

    Ch 3 Cloud Mountain City
    Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System
    Oriental · Daoist_Drumstick
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    he repeatedly said he doesn't want to be a hero but proceeds to tail the suspect for no f c k i ng reason whatsoever other than my guy want to be Batman/superhero. it's feel even more stupid when he say I want keep an low profile but then starts hunting criminal for no reason.

    Ch 27 Chapter 27 Monitoring
    What It's Like Being a Vampire
    Ciudad · Miraculous Hamburger
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
    Publicado por

    this novel started of good but quickly became boring and repetitive. the thing that hooked me in the first place that is op but not to an extravagant degree as most of Chinese novels this days are like mv draws an get system at the first chapter which give an god tier cultivation technique and suddenly he he fight 4 to 5 realms above his level. but that the only thing good because it just following the same cliche as other trash novel like young master and his family, aside from that it just fucking slow down further you while been filled with filler chapter like do I really need to read 5 to 6 chapter above him sitting in one plane complain about not have star gate at his home planet or something again stoping at some mod waypoints, meeting an side character and then finally reached his home planet. but breaking point for me was the little sister like literally why the fuck would you add every cliche you can think of in this novel. behold we have the talented little sister (shit) trope and another thing is why the fuck would you teach the same technique which is extremely difficult to your sister the same technique which no one has yet to reach star level other than it's creator. but what an suprise she can easily master the first level.

    Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain
    Ciencia y ficción · Eight O'clock At Night
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    I'm a bit confused here, so does he have to manually explode the fireball every time or it would automatically explode on contact and the advanced method is controlling the fireball's path and time of the explosion.

    Not discouraged, Ed continued to practice the spell a couple more times. It took him no more than an hour to master the basic casting and firing of the spell at which point he could confidently declare he had learned the spell. While he couldn't detonate the fireball spell at will he couldn't really complain. Vorgarag had already explained that the process would require precise calculations which he was obviously incapable of doing at his level.
    Stuck as a Dungeon Mob
    Fantasía · Pwnzer
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    this remindes me of Skyrim

    'A shaman is bound to have some books in their room, right?' Thus thinking so, Ed scavenged through the shaman's room without a tinge of guilt. The crypt helped him develop such an intrusive personality, there was not even a tread of hesitation as he scoured the room.
    Stuck as a Dungeon Mob
    Fantasía · Pwnzer
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    let make a guess here, the love interests grade would be probably A or B right so her she would be too unreachable for so he would work very hard with his heaven defying will to reach greater Hights even with his inferior talent, also to spice things up he probably has an hidden bloodline which extra OP which would be shown in later parts of the story.

    [Ability grade: D]
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec
  • God_Of_Lazinesss
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    so main problem with girl is that, she just plain boring to read about because of the fact she literally has no character(for now). also give her peerless beauty and talent has zero value to readers(to me atleast) as It appears more like MC chasing and cardboard figure rather than real and top of that she pretty generic and cliched character having nothing unique to her. all in all I nothing against mc chasing an girl like but so many factors combined together make romance worst part of the story so far.

    Ch 8 Awaken
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasía · Awespec