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the use in this case is past tense 'He still pet Yoruichi...'
you could say lime green, though lime green is more green than yellow where as a yellow green is more yellow.
petting is the present tense of the word, so you could say 'i am petting...' or 'she is still petting...' but the future and past tense are pet. I have pet a dog, or I will pet a cat as examples.
pet is one of many weird words in English, but the past tense of pet is still pet.
We don't, thats weird. Randomly strike up conversation and smile or greet you without knowing you sure, but for the most part touching is off limits.
I always thought the difference was that cloaks are hooded while capes aren't.
Fate is ensuring that this is the case, forming his own spirit ring is probably going to be better for him anyway.
People need to do their homework it is known that Zero has solo'ed guilds before, why would theirs be different.