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Seeing this return makes me inexplicably happy
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Overall a top notch Pokemon novel, I found it was hard to find a well written and developed Pokemon novel and stumbled upon this. Everything is essentially perfect except for the fact that the updates a fairly slow and/or delayed, but as this is due to personal reasons I’m not going to complain. The characters and story/plot have been written extremely well, would like to see some more generally Pokemon-esque type themes in a Pokemon novel such as Pokemon related content (battling, training etc.), which is what I assume is going to occur within the next few chapters. I personally think that this is probably one of the best Pokemon novels I have read up to date. Overall: very good novel, highly underrated. Recommended to all.
Has this novel been dropped?
I waited patiently for this, and I was not disappointed
I was reading Nero, The Legendary Hunter and had found this after finishing chapter 50 or so, it looked interesting and the genres had suited my interests, so I gave it a whirl and let’s just say I have no regrets. I had recently gotten into reading web novels online after running out of manga to read, it has been like 7 months since I started reading novels and there has been some that I have really enjoyed and this is definitely one of them.
Yes sir
Honestly, a spectacular novel that I very much enjoy reading. I’m currently on chapter 73 or something and I’m loving it. This novel has most things I enjoy, female mc, weak to strong etc