

2021-02-05 Se unióThailand

de lectura


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  • yur12
    yur12a year ago
    respondió a Voltixx

    To change his whole character like that would change the whole flow of the story, but he will have his dominant moments.

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Soca_carinhoso


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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    Comentado por

    (I do not own the art)

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Toby_Foxxer

    Check your inbox. I've responded to that question hours ago.

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Toby_Foxxer

    I'm doing a thematic thing here. If you check the chapter titled "The World", I've separated elemental spells and lone spells (Tobu is classified as a lone spell). Essentially, I've chosen to name all lone spells in Japanese.

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Blue_Robin

    Right. But his impatience with his own growth led him to this choice. The fact that the other stuff is happening simply makes this choice a bit better, though unintentional. If he discovers that learning an advanced spell like this is too unrealistic, he'll go back and start from the ground up. Hence why he said "for now."

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Blue_Robin

    He very well could have. With his limited amount of time to act, as revealed last chapter, it was simply a matter of choice. Try his luck at immediately learning an advanced spell or take an even longer amount of time trying to study up on the element of fire by fooling around with basic spells.

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Blue_Robin

    Luckily this cheat is a lot deeper than "he's just a little talented." No spoilers though.

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Cecil_2005

    Spoiler: She chose to.

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  • yur12
    yur122 years ago
    respondió a Cecil_2005
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