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Awwww Rhys :(
Since Andy’s body seems to keep changing they might have to make a few different versions…. Honestly I think Michael would highly approve and want to study the differences, though I don’t think Max will let anyone else see his new collection
Kellen is going to become every rebellious teens new idol and I for one can’t wait
Literally Andrew
I feel like Andrew in this moment is so nervous and extra anxious to be the only alpha on this team. And then the other team member said this and he is letting out a deep breath and heart rate begins to normalize because 1. He is truly with his fellow science nerds and they understand him on a different level and 2. he is always afraid he is a burden and this cowoker is making him feel like an extra special needed member of the team (even if it’s in a we want to experiment on you way)
I bet the spirits love this….
Thank you for the mass release!!
You know as he said this he was looking at Max with Hearts in his eyes