Know-er of Many Things
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Its because there is a shit ton of generic Chinese novels that are just copies of copies of bad novels and it has become increasingly easier to just copy and paste into a translator and get a 'decent' translation with no effort or real editing. Years ago, the only reliable translator was really Google Translate which was completely incomprehensible without editing.
Basically Aisen Created a object that merged the powers of a Shinigami and a Hollow so he could use the power of the other. However thats just its base ability. Its true ability is manifesting ones deepest desire in Aizens case is Immortality. What happened here is, he's a big bad guy of the series lost but is immortal so he got imprisoned where he came upon the livestream. Overtime, his desire changed from being immortal to what i guess is probably meeting Allen. It manifested by sending him back in time
Yes but its a crossover so How do you know how deep the crossover goes? If the Emiya clan merely exists and was inserted, then why are they being attacked by those that arent Death Eaters? All things we and the Mc dont know at this time. Until you know the full scaling, its better to tread lightly
I see some complaining about the MC using his power. Have yall ever watched Fate? Aizen isnt Top tier here in fact he loses quite easily to anyone with conceptual level attacks that get slung around by the top tiers in the Fate series. Its smarter to lie low than to expose your full power on some Mobs maybe ranked a tad higher than general Death Eaters, like i said, he'd have alot of difficulty fighting higher tiers in the Fate Series
Idk man This is HP crossed with the Fate Series. Aizen is def strong in this universe but he'd get bodied by conceptual level attacks quite easily. Its better to lie low and figure out the World first
Characters and dialogue all feel stiff and unnatural. It feels like a group of kid playing make believe Lords & Ladies. Lines are repeated so much its painful. I swear i was gonna lose my mind how many times a chapter was ended with the mc thinking some variation of "The road ahead is difficult but im ready to face all challanges for the sake of my legacy blah blah" I mean its almost every other chapter. The Plot itself is completely flat. It doesnt follow canon really other than a few similar details. (Proffessor quirrel for instance) but other elements like the Philosphers stone or notable events dont happen entirely. Instead, the MC and his group search for some wierd Peverell legacy, kinda reminiscent of Hogwarts Legacy Ancient magic. Im not sure how they even know about it or how they can competently claim a ancient legacy with less than a full 1st year education but they do and its literally pretty simple as finding a secret entrance, all you had to do was look... really the Philosophers stone test was wayyyy more difficult to get in canon than this powerful artifact of ancient magic and somehow, just finding it has a noticeable effect on them all. In short, its an Ai written mess that might have been interesting with maybe a little care and storyboarding perhaps and a shit ton of love and attention. As it is now, its a waste of time. Id probably recommend a shitty translated MTL over this at least you can kind piece together whats going on.
All the characters feel like Adult nobles one moment then little children playing make believe the next.
From what though? Sure they are good in classes, but no one should know about the artifact. Besides that, what have they actually done to gain influence or have a 'presence' enough to affect older students? Are you telling me they are all considered prodigies or something because they are top of the class?
No shit its day 11 moron
Stop saying that for the love of god! Its cringey at this point