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Huh, sorry. I could have sworn it was 5 dimensions, but it's not.
That's alright - assuming it loses its connection to Primus, as you could copy the prime version of any species and may allow for copying individual Mutants or making one form with the power of any scanned Mutant, considering how it differentiates between Upchuck species to give a different look. But if it comes with Primus connection, it's pretty good, but still not enough compared to the top-echelons of Marvel. Though, if it is just the Omnitrix, but doesn't have adjustments to work for him - then it's useless.
I'd have gone Biomnetrix for Fusions - even it'd allow me to use Alien X DNA to boost any other transformation, is cool, and could let me combine smart aliens to make improvements to it, or the Ultimatrix to use Ultimate Aliens. That is, of course, if it must be an Omnitrix.
I'd probably pick: A complete set of boundlessly refilling vials of every Meta Essence power ever thought of - capable of generating new ones at will, being summoned when I desire, and only displaying ones wanted when I think of it, with a function to allow me to mentally 'search' through a list and in-depth description of them. Or if it has to be something that already exists, then probably something like: Essence of the Demiurge: Basically grants Omnipotence within an Area-Of-Effect. If I recall correctly, it's small - only a few meters, but anything you make or do can effect the outside. Example being you can make a sniper rifle inside the area and shoot people miles away, or create an initially small explosion with the power of a nuke that can't harm you to indirectly harm others, but not create it at a large distance. You could make something like the Sentry Serum from Marvel with the modification of having a 100% chance of success with none of the drawbacks like a second personality like Void, or just outright grant the power to someone, but you can't bless an entire planet with said power unless you give yourself another power that would allow you to do such. You could create a Kamehameha like Goku does as he generates energy and shoots it outside - but you can't do the spirit bomb as that would be using your power outside of its area. Despite said restrictions, it is literally omnipotence - you want the Onmnitrix? Done. You want to send yourself to another Universe? Easy. You want the godlike entity of Multiversal power half a meter away from you to be erased from existence? Say less. You want to make an endlessly replenishing bottle of water that grants any Essence power you can think of at the time? Can do. You want to make a water balloon appear above the head of your friend that is 10 meters away? Sorry, that's too much. As long as it does not violate the distance, anything is possible. Or maybe Essence of the Xmen: This should be the highest possible version of this essence with no drawbacks. For reference, the base of this can allow you to pick any 5 mutant powers, and you have them. they can be changed out for any other power at any time. They include every possible power. They can synergise to become more powerful - 5 top-tier reality benders like Jim Jaspers (616) together will give you power enough to match pre-One Below All version of the OAA - basically Omniversal levels of 'Omnipotence.' Or Essence of the Home: You basically get a really good home - adapts to your needs and can provide internet, food, whatever - can take you anywhere in the multiverse with portals.... It's really good and can become better if used to go to places at opportune times to get items, power, etc. - potentially even into Fanfics to grab another Essence before the MC drinks it (if you're careful to not be caught). Or if it has to be something that is actually seen in a real show, then probably The Glory from Dr. Who: Basically the Heart of the Omniverse. It grants Omniversal level power - enough that even the strongest being in Dr. Who, that are basically Outer Gods that exist outside of any Universe, would be unable to so much as put up a fight against the wielder of The Glory. Think like instant power on the level of, or surpassing the One Above All.
That's a little overkill..... Eh, whatever. It'd be amazing for shield generators - being able to make a planetary shield generator that can take the hit of even planet-busting attacks and be unaffected.
Combining Gwen's already insane ability to create clones, with the ridiculous number of clones Naruto can make - with each of Gwen's probably able to make just as many as Naruto could, she's gonna end up with so many they can't even fit on the planet before long.
This is honestly an amazing Fanfic. Coming into this, I expected an OP, godlike MC from the start - and was a tiny bit disappointed at first. But after the first couple chapters? Not at all. This is one of the best Naruto fanfics I've ever seen and I love the concept. I'm honestly impressed at the writing skill displayed by the author - I feel this would work just as well in an original novel as it does as a fanfic, which is rare as the majority of fanfic writers just piggyback off of the series, but this develops in a unique direction and does its own thing. It has some interaction with the main characters of Naruto, but it isn't to the point of pushing away the 'less important' ones for those with more screen time. There are multiple OCs given a realistic backstory that makes the readers sympathise with them, like how a Manga like One Piece might do - without going into too much or too little detail at times, and people are always given a satisfying conclusion. It isn't a pure wish-fulfilment Fanfic - those under the MC die, but as a God, he doesn't just treat it as nothing, nor is something made up to revive them as if nothing happened, yet they are still given a happy ending. Like a commenter I forget the name of said, neither the MC (or Author) make up excuses, he acts as a God should. As well as like how a previously normal human would. The Author builds on things mentioned, but either disregarded or not fully explored in Naruto (like with *SPOILERS****Jashin-Sama****SPOILERS*. It is done so in a skilled manner that makes sense to the point that it blurs the line between whether or not some of this was canon (as in I have to look it up at times, just to check what did or didn't actually happen in the show). I really look forward to more of this, and definitely recommend giving it a read - it will be well-worth the time.
Thanks for the chapter~ I'm really looking forward to more of it.
Let's go!
Subaru Natsuki was a NEET - almost entirely a shut-in, and yet, he was no weakling even at the start of the anime.... Well, at least compared to normal people.