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And once again i forgot that webnovel does not allow to edit comments and my grammar mistakes are pernament
It was one of the best fanfics I read, you did great, you are not weak, its just that big franchises like marvel are hard. All that dietes, cosmic entities, timelines and their interactions with something from another multiverse like thomas powers is labirynth of knowledge, it does not take strenght or intelligence to navigate it, one needs years with reading comics and wiki to do so. Its not like younare not capabke of it, you are simply not ready for such ambitious project, You can still continue this fanfic as it is, just pull some trick that will peevent greater multiverse from interfering with thomas and universes he resides. You can give him more power too, he alredy has power of one of the fragments of brilliant light, lets say you give him power of monarch of transformation too for balnce between monarchs and rulers or something, then you could add shadow monarch if you want becouse his power is technically both, or you can say it is as it is your fanfic. I am not demanding anything, just giving ideas, maybe they will be usefull in your future fanfics.
Ol its in chapter 20, and to add something, i am not dossapoonted in dumbledore not being some evil manipulator like in some fnafics, but assuming that and learning occulmency before meeting him would be pretty realistic.
Hey man i am at the start of this book but I noticed that mc seems to forgit about okulmency, is this fixed in firther chapters ormi missed it?
The part in first chapter where mc states he would take any job except ones that include killing asians may push you away from the story. But I read it whole up to chapter 272, and it was the only show of nationalism in this entire novel, to the point that i belive it was mandatory to appear in order to make this novel legal in author country or something, becouse it literally never appears anymore. I literally forgot about it and didnt thought that author may be asian, till i read other revievs telling about it before writting my own. And its just asian, no specific country mentioned. Its not the best i ever read, but its smooth to read, dialogues are ok and the concept along with progress are interesting enought to get you throught. Its not 5 stars, but it does not have any big flaws to mention, from technical point of view its very solid 4 stars, maybe 4,5 . But considering that the author is asian, I give 5 stars, for writting effort, becouse if not for the no assian killing sentence that apears once in whole novel, I wouldnt notice it may be asian novel, and thats something very rare for asian novels, its 4 stars by my very strict standars, 5 for effort in writting it well enought to not notice its asian without that one sentence. I would belive its not asian and this sentence was a coinsidence if not for the fact that I do not belive in accidents. Mmm, it appears that the best compliment one can give to an asian author is that he writes soo well he does not seem to be asian.
*them, i curse you webnovel for not allowing to edit comments.
Oh I see you liked then all, hope they provided some help.
I belived in you my lord, and you have returned, the one wchixh work has no flaws. I highly reccomend to read my prevevious comments, i remember i wrote a lot things that may be helpful.
Sorry for grammar i forgot that on webnovel comments can not be edited
Continuation of comment as longer comments are not allowed Even if you know more than if character died, like, the whole book, you still read it again seven times. There are realitic books where everyone dies, beside main character, with maincharacters as authos or telling their story like Edmund Edelman stor,ynwrited down by Hanna Krall, about Warsaw jew getto, and he lived, onky one among like 60 thosand, and propablity of doing so and that the bok woluld happen were 1 to 60000, but it happeedz uneralistic but that is reality, so main character suviving is actualy realistic. Becouse story can not be told form their perspective if they dont live to tell it. The truth is that with how short of shitty other eragon fanfics are, and a movie we agre that should not exists as the only other piece of fiction based on eragon, your story will remain best and most decent eragon based story, no matter what will you write or even if you drop it, until smoeone will write something better, and then it will still be a good memory, even if dropped. One worth to return to and read again.