Morality is temporary, depravity is eternal 😈
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This guy is very special.
Why is this happening though? It's not like we have OC here nor is she a Beyonder. Won't she just simply not understand him? I mean even Inextinguishable Ravings only utilises the OC in people against them. Unless he is of course injecting info like a Hermit Beyonder, it won't make sense.
I think you can use symbolisms to counter that. And at higher levels, symbolism is more important than authorities.
Damn, that would take months at least.
He is not that strong before becoming a Demon Lord 😅
Her brother was omnipotent 😂
It's a funny typo.
Have you caught up or catching up with COI yet? It's better if you do, since that would be beneficial for the fleshing out of the setting, a lot of historical stuff has been revealed in COI.
Ngl for a second I thought we were going the cheesy route 😂