

2021-01-01 Se unióAscension Island

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  • Random_Black
    respondió a VolkBert

    Ask them

    'I'll just continue perfecting my magic craft until I find something more interesting'
    A Cold-Blooded POV
    Fantasía · Month
  • Random_Black
    respondió a VolkBert

    Deaf people do think in sign languages. At least fully deaf people who have learned it. if not they think by imagining the image of what they want to represent in their head.

    'I'll just continue perfecting my magic craft until I find something more interesting'
    A Cold-Blooded POV
    Fantasía · Month
  • Random_Black
    Comentado por

    I thought uchihas only married other uchihas

    It has been three years since I tried to open the chakra on my own. Looking back now, I can clearly see how selfish and not rational my act was. Every year my mind seemed to grow stronger. Finally, I could take control of my body and already live like a normal four-year-old teenager. Now I am taller, got long black hair. Dressed in black clothes, standing near the graves of the Konoha heroes, I was lost in thought. Outwardly, I was an exact copy of the little indra, which shocked me at first when I saw my appearance a year ago, then I understood why my mother loved to hug me because of the cuteness. but now it doesn't really matter. Since she is dead. Constantly remembering the Uchih massacre from anime, I thought hard what to do and how to save my family. So much I thought that I had completely forgotten about the other tailed catastrophe. My mother had many friends outside the clan, since she herself was from another clan whose name my parents never told me. She was not as arrogant as other Uchiha.. Therefore, I heard the news from her that I knew from the plot.
    Heir of the otsutsuki
    Cómic · Hellish_Rabbit
  • Random_Black
    respondió a TheAbyssalOne

    Ok “TheAbyssalOne”

    The second thing he remembered was an old forbidden ritual on acquiring Aura. It was invented as a worse case scenario . In this situation, if Aura could not be unlocked, a family member of less value could be used. The only condition was that the family member must also have intense emotions for the other person.
    Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel
    Fantasía · Dere_Isaac
  • Random_Black
    respondió a TheAbyssalOne

    “As I watch humanity drive themselves to extinction I realize all the fallacies man has created to comfort themselves. A pathetic sight i if I may say. With my disappointment bordering dismay.”~🤓

    The second thing he remembered was an old forbidden ritual on acquiring Aura. It was invented as a worse case scenario . In this situation, if Aura could not be unlocked, a family member of less value could be used. The only condition was that the family member must also have intense emotions for the other person.
    Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel
    Fantasía · Dere_Isaac
  • Random_Black
    respondió a Abd_Alrahman

    You’re right I mixed them up

    However, the fan that had asked the question was not very satisfied with his response and actually pulled out a gun. The guards tried to stop him but it was too late.
    Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel
    Fantasía · Dere_Isaac
  • Random_Black
    respondió a marvie2

    I legally cannot give you an explanation

    "Mama, today I sold quite a bit of fabric again, aren't I great?" the little Nala looked up at Isabella seeking praise, a faint golden gleam briefly appeared in her eyes before vanishing without a trace. 
    Soul Of Negary
    Fantasía · Xu Ming
  • Random_Black
    respondió a Josiah_Jones_0910

    Western fantasy so there definetly is

    Here, the Collector also restored one of its previous adaptations: the Pyrocatalytic Glands that would allow it to invoke flaming misery upon this oxygen rich world.
    Alien Evolution System
    Fantasía · John_Doever
  • Random_Black
    respondió a IAmNumber5


    Naruto continued to lower, while instead of the transparent liquid of Himawari, something of a different shade splashed out, it shimmered with gold! She already peed up with pleasure!
    Hokage Master
    Cómic · Raizeenn
  • Random_Black
    respondió a SinRei_700

    It’s obviously inspired by lovecraft since there are great ones. It’s also inspired by Victorian london but added a gothic twist to it

    The city of legends and blood
    Horror · GoodHunter
  • Random_Black
    respondió a Apocalyptic_Nimbus

    You’re Literally the only person feeling anything about this situation

    Afterward, he singularly slaughters all his enemies and the people who had betrayed him. He easily retook control over the Dao Opening Sect and led it to an even more prosperous era. Then, he went back to the slum where he used to live and rewarded the few people who helped him during those times.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    respondió a YinTar


    When the arrogant man handed him the piece of bread filled with urine, he picked it up without hesitation and ate it. He did show any emotion such as struggle, suffering, or humiliation--just the desire to survive and the hope of a better tomorrow.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    Comentado por

    The lesson would’ve been far better if he who was at the top of cultivators was forced to let down his pride and work hard to achieve something like becoming good at a certain craft to live a good life similar to other mortals. This would teach mc the value of hardwork, determination, and the humility to accept reality but not be tied down circumstances and that he can rise above them. But no. Author wanted mc to eat urine and beg for no reason.

    When the arrogant man handed him the piece of bread filled with urine, he picked it up without hesitation and ate it. He did show any emotion such as struggle, suffering, or humiliation--just the desire to survive and the hope of a better tomorrow.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    respondió a Supreme_Leader

    How so? What would you say would increase a person’s value over another human being? I think people are born with different strenghts and weaknesses. While one might be considered more important now, it could also be less important later. Example: During caveman days men were valued based on their strengh, courage, and hunting capabalities while now men are valued for their intelligence and financial capabilities. The situation could change where the man who was once valuable becomes less valuable while the one was considered less valuable becomes more valuable. But the value you have towards certain situations and people doesn’t change the fact you’re human and made in the image of God which alone gives you as much value as any other man. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”(Galatians 3:28) “For God shows no partiality.”(Romans 2:11) “Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.”(John 13:16) “The rich and the poor meet together; the Lord is the maker of them all.”(Proverbs 22:2) The only time I would agree with you that people are not equal is if talking about criminals based on the crime such as murderers and pedophiles.

    His son's core values involved the idea that order and restraint is necessary for the development of society, that all people are created equal. And more importantly, killing and slaughtering is morally wrong.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    respondió a GifflarGod

    You must’ve never read the Bible. I’m a christian as well and my beliefs on murder and killing are straight from the Bible. ”Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.”(Genesis 9:6) “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”(Exodus 21:22-25) “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death.”(Leviticus 20:13). “Whoever strikes a man so that he dies shall be put to death.”(Exodus 21:12) There are many more examples you can find from a google search but I recommend just reading the Bible. Also there’s a reason why in America where our rights and laws are taken from the Bible allows for killing in self defense and capital punishment is encouraged by christian political parties. It’s not murder if there’s a proper moral justification for it.

    Soon, the realization that had taken a life dawned on him. He asked himself: "Did he regret it?" The answer is of course he did. It is true that these people are in fact quite wicked and deserve death. However, no matter what excuse he could come up with, a life is a life.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    Comentado por

    That’s literally a good thing. Why would he need to be immune to his perfect match?

    The most dangerous situation he encountered was simply based on love. He met a woman who encompassed all the qualities that he desired in a mate: strong, powerful, independent, able to help in his cause, and extremely beautiful.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    Comentado por

    That’s way too overkill. These are still children and these hells are meant to literally destroy people. How tf would anyone expect a child to gain anything other than trauma from this

    Wang Wei was at loss on how to design this test at first, but then, he simply modelled it after the Chinese 18 Hell from his past life.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    respondió a Shivanshu

    Neglectful fathers is part of genre

    Great Elder Li Jiang blushes with shame upon hearing the other's comments. How would he know his son has such a powerful will?
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    respondió a Xaos_Eternal

    Capital punishment and the fact people have weapons and police have weapons...

    It was only during modern eras that killing was declared wrong. Then, the government used education and law to morally and spiritually restrain the people and made them believe that killing was wrong.
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao
  • Random_Black
    respondió a Xaos_Eternal

    Genuinely curious why you think that

    As for the act of no killing?
    Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor
    Oriental · LazySageDao