LIFE'S WAYS Well i have been thinking maybe being birth to life was the worst thing That ever happened to me. Ethan the love of my life died on the day of our wedding he was found in his room in a pool of blood which was caused by a very heavy metal falling on his head i suddenly felt just like Isabella from THE CASTLE OF OTRANTO but she didn't really feel bad unlike me it was like my whole world came crushing down i've known Ethan since childhood and we both confessed our feelings when we were 15 it was such a memorable day,we didn't forget the date we confessed and we made the date our wedding date 15th of march well now that day holds alot of pain since i lost him on that day i miss him so much
"Stacy you can't stay locked up in your room forever you know we are all grieving the loss of Ethan Its not been easy on any of us you know"my mum called out from the other side of the door they don't know what Am going through Ethan is my whole life but knowing him i know he wouldn't want me in this state so after getting my thoughts together i finally decided to open the door for my mom ,she looked at me and then gave me a big hug i couldn't hold it anymore so i broke down in front of her she just caressed me until she spoke"please don't punish yourself anymore Stacy i love you so much you are all i have" when i heard what she said i realized i had been bad
Kareemat_Taiwo · Ciudad
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