A knight from the kingdom of France who had left Webnovel in search of better stories. And came back. Cuz' I'm dumb.
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It's a joke about the time he has, as he has the time stop of The World
Jordi', I ask because I would like to see it and I see you well doing it (sorry if I sound like the thousands of ungrateful readers already present on wbnvl), but will you make a fic' on Overlord?
Good new, Chaotic good is back
TYPE MOON, or Fate if you prefer, more precisely Fate Grand Order, if you want to find the wiki page of the character, just type Beast III L, and you've got it
Okay, I'm almost sur this is Chinese
(that's why people re-write) I wanted to say
"I sent some humans to the plane and all of them died, hahaha." this sentence... I guess the goal is to show what kind of moral the MC has, but... it's a bit (a lot) clumsy. . . The "hahaha" at the end is making it worse, from another POV, MC would just look like 'evil scientist A' doing evil experiments because he is evil. If I had to give you a tip, I would recommand you to read "Annihilation Maker" the DxD fic, just look at how Leo is introduced (you don't need to read until the point were his backstory is explained, it's kind of long), he is evil aligned (and goddawn worthy of it), he consider himself a magus (from Fate, and in this serie the majority of them are the worst of human scum, who would subject even their descendance to the most cruel experimentations to achieve ultimate goal of reaching the root), and yet a loveable character.
You put a picture of Vitch as the cover, so I dare hope to see her.
Have you seen the new Beast from FGO/Arcade? The new Nero?