

2020-12-16 Se unióGermany

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  • Dreygoon_
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    something is missing here - 2. the damage ?

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
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    These notes are so hilarious. I love them

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a aidan_zwingli

    why cant I unsee a giant laser dildo?

    Death... and me
    Fantasía · Suiyan
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    Thanks for the second chapter today

    The book he held in his last moments, was the missing log about the latest guild operation.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    Thanks for a chapter

    "It´s a branch office of the adventurer's guild!"
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    Thanks for the chapter

    "holy shit!", Seth elaborately and adequately commented this sight. A bloodthirsty roaring fairy floating over the burning corpse of a giant octopus. it would have been the perfect cover for a metal album.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a DartUpdates

    now youre playing with words. It's rather like plus and minus or multiplication and division as Blacksmithing makes stuff out of Metal (Ingots) and Smelting makes Metal (Ingots) out of stuff

    <Ding! Skill: Weapon Mastery (Beginner) lv.10 has become Weapon Mastery (Adept) lv.1!>
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    Thanks for the chapter

    Seth was still pissed as his eyes laid on a new world, where the sun slowly sank towards a new horizon
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    Ok she really DOES sound like a granny :)

    " Yes, three! Don´t try to tell me one is enough. You can´t possibly plan to travel with just one set of clothing, do you?", she shot down his objections.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a Dreygoon_

    tbh I don't even know wether the writing in the novel is wrong as I don't trust my teacher anymore. In my opinion would she get around 10 points if she would redo the abitur in english (thats a C), as her writing is really stiff (she doesnt even consider anything but "formal english" as english -> colloquial won't even let you pass the semester), she doesn't allow any other opinion other than hers (extreme as its "factly wrong") and her pronouncing is bad (she is simply mispronouncing words. wouldn't be too bad if she would accept and better it but no, she can't be wrong) ... and she is a fricking highschool teacher thanks for reading my rant

    "hum hoh? God pranked you? That means he likes you!", the priest said smiling. It was not often; their god took his time to spend special attention on someone.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    my english teacher would scream at you. 'It doesn't happen often' .... yeah i know, i don't like that b*tch either

    "hum hoh? God pranked you? That means he likes you!", the priest said smiling. It was not often; their god took his time to spend special attention on someone.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a Chan_Feng

    In his ccity there are no other living humans so there wont be any new zombies -> he can wipe them out

    Once he was able to make a good weapon and armor Seth wanted to go out and farm zombies. it was one of the things he never understood when watching movies or reading books around a zombie apocalypse. Zombies could not grow their number; they did not procreate. So why did people keep running away and hiding out in secure locations instead of cleaning them up and be safe for sure?
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a

    what he means is not all the zombies. If we speak about a district in a less populated city you might only have up to a few thousand. It might take you a week or 2 but after you killed them all you have pretty much a safe zone as zombies cant just multiply on their own. They need living people for that. That also means one zombie dead, and with that I mean the eternal slumber kind of dead, means 1 zombie less until they get to kill someone again.

    Once he was able to make a good weapon and armor Seth wanted to go out and farm zombies. it was one of the things he never understood when watching movies or reading books around a zombie apocalypse. Zombies could not grow their number; they did not procreate. So why did people keep running away and hiding out in secure locations instead of cleaning them up and be safe for sure?
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    as his body*

    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a Arkusar

    why is Smelting a secondary skill? isnt it just as important as blacksmithing?

    <Ding! Skill: Weapon Mastery (Beginner) lv.10 has become Weapon Mastery (Adept) lv.1!>
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    For anyone who is wondering, Main skills have more stages then secondary skills. The author writes this in an comment (when weapon mastery ranks up) in chapter 28. With primary skills are skills like smelting meant and with secondary skills like weapon mastery and for some reason smelting ( no seriously should it be as inportant as blacksmithing )

    The "Apprentice"-rank was another step up from "Beginner", at this point he barely got experience for the simpler things he had done until now.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    Wait a minute! First plothole Ive found so far! Where did apprentice go?

    <Ding! Skill: Smelting(Beginner) lv.10 has become Smelting(Adept) lv.1!>
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a Dreygoon_

    Ok I found the word I was searching. They got the mindset that all undead are the same :) Also, because stamp may not have the meaning I think it has (I mix up languages kinda often) 'we label all the different kind of rotting corpses, be it asian ones or the typical western infective braineating ones, as zombies without caring for the difference'

    Even better, as the center of undead there would be a lot of wild undead. The information had talked about the zombies being the result of a 'parasitic virus', whatever that even meant. Undead were undead. This meant necromancers would not have to spend mana on raising them, just taming them.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    Comentado por

    Dear author. You know, after reading this chapter I realised how different the "brainless infective zombie" is compared to the ones raised from necromancers. They are so much more dangerous and stronger if they would actually exist but we just stamp them as zombies. I also like the interaction of the legion of death with the new undeads and their (understandable) prejudice (dont know the better word, more expectation than the negative prejudice) that undead are all the same :) This novels is full of unique thoughts and write styles I love it and I hope you continue. With a world like this I can only hope for more background story. Your ideas make me wanting to write a novel like this too ... but tbh it would probably end up as a bad copy .*.*

    Even better, as the center of undead there would be a lot of wild undead. The information had talked about the zombies being the result of a 'parasitic virus', whatever that even meant. Undead were undead. This meant necromancers would not have to spend mana on raising them, just taming them.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar
  • Dreygoon_
    respondió a Phoenix_Paradise

    It fits his job so im ok with it. I also believe that the author wont pit him against monsters that use fire as the main method of attacking too often as the author showed quite a bit of sense til now

    Trusting his 90% Fire Resistance, Seth hoped to free himself from the trap before he got burned to death himself.
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Fantasía · Arkusar