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Thank you for your comment, but er, what did you mean by it ?
Yes, she definitely needs it
Thank you so much :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
So ! If you're still around, 'toeing the line' is completed now :) I added the last few chapters. I've been rereading your comments and spend such a nice moment. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for your praise, it means the world to me that you appreciate it ! Don't hesitate to leave your thoughts are you go through. It will be finished soon, and I hope you will enjoy. Cheers to you !
Ahaha, I love that gif, it's so cute !
ok, I'll rework that part. Basically, they are following a countryside road that gets them to Hadrien's wall where the knights are based. At the wall, there is a fortress and a small village.
Thanks a lot for all those comments ! You made my day ! As for proofreading, I use the Antidote software from Druide. It's an amazing soft from québec !
As a reader, it's something I would never read because it feels like cheating. But I'm a 'purist', meaning that if I don't understand things from the writing, I consider that details must be added inside the novel. I'm old school :D
That's the whole idea of having someone else reading. When we write, we don't see things the same way.