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2020-10-31 Se unióGlobal



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  • Gaureeey
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    The author delves into the world of opulence, power, and an unexpected romantic connection between two contrasting individuals. Alex Grande, the cold-hearted billionaire, exudes an aura of authority and control, while Jenny Core, a seemingly ordinary girl, becomes entwined with his life in a way that defies logic. The premise sets the stage for an intriguing encounter between two vastly different worlds. Alex's dominance and ability to command attention offer a glimpse into a life of extravagance and influence, while Jenny's normalcy highlights relatable human qualities. However, while the plot introduces an interesting dynamic, the execution falls somewhat flat. The characters lack depth beyond their surface traits, and their motivations and emotions remain largely unexplored. The initial spark between Alex and Jenny feels rushed and lacks the development needed to make their connection believable. The alternating perspectives give insight into both characters' thoughts, but the writing style struggles to capture the depth of their experiences. The repetitive use of phrases like "cold heartless billionaire" and "ordinary girl" detracts from the storytelling, making it difficult for readers to become fully immersed in the narrative. "Love Unveiled: Billionaire's Heart" shows promise in its exploration of the collision between privilege and simplicity, but it needs further development to truly engage readers. By delving deeper into the characters' backgrounds, motivations, and emotions, the story could transform into a more compelling tale of unexpected romance and personal growth.I like your novel but it could use some serious proof reading and work, know that this like all other works is a WIP and I know there's scope to improve. thank you. i hope you will read this with an open heart.

    Love's Unexpected Fortune: Billionaire Meets Ordinary Girl."
    Ciudad · Ogu_blessing_Ojima
  • Gaureeey
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    "Awakening in Aboron" embarks on a captivating journey that seamlessly weaves the boundaries between reality and a vivid RPG world. Tom's relatable struggles as an overlooked and mistreated individual serve as a relatable foundation for the story. The introduction of the mysterious homeless man and the concept of the RPG world of Aboron adds an intriguing supernatural twist that propels the narrative forward. The transformation in Tom's attitude and bravery is a refreshing development, and readers will find themselves rooting for his growth and empowerment. The collision of his real-life coma with his avatar, Arvil Ottoman, introduces an element of mystery and adventure that captivates the imagination. Tom's journey in Aboron promises a blend of action, exploration, and self-discovery. The shift in focus to the outside world while Tom is in his coma adds a layer of urgency and tension to the plot, making the story more than just an individual's journey. The contrasting worlds of Dystopia and Aboron provide an engaging juxtaposition that keeps the reader invested in both realms. The promise of revenge in the wake of Tom's awakening adds an intriguing layer of conflict and potential growth. Readers will undoubtedly be drawn to Tom's struggle for justice and retribution against the challenges he faced before his journey to Aboron. overall it sets the stage for an enthralling narrative that blends fantasy, personal growth, and adventure, promising an engaging read for fans of both RPG and dystopian genres.

    title removed
    Fantasía · ToufiqUlAlam
  • Gaureeey
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    Dear author your story plunges readers headfirst into a heart-pounding zombie apocalypse scenario, where Korig's fight for survival becomes the central focus. The vivid descriptions create a visceral experience, immersing readers in the pandemonium of the mall parking lot and the terror that unfolds. The juxtaposition of the everyday world with the sudden onset of horror heightens the suspense, and Korig's emotions are palpable as he grapples with confusion, fear, and disbelief. The story intriguingly blends action and introspection, with Korig's memories providing insights into his life before the chaos. The digital screen's appearance adds a unique and mysterious layer, adding an element of a game-like challenge to his ordeal. As Korig faces the relentless onslaught of zombies, the countdown timer fuels urgency and tension, pulling readers deeper into the narrative. The story's gripping atmosphere and the promise of survival in the face of chaos make it a thrilling read that leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

    System Mania!
    Fantasía · Sinadin_2ndth
  • Gaureeey
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    daniel really wants to be a zoomer at this point LOVEEE THE SPEED OF THE NOVEL ATM

    Daniel's brow furrowed in concentration, his mind racing to recall the location of his vehicle amidst the chaos.
    System Mania!
    Fantasía · Sinadin_2ndth
  • Gaureeey
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    this book offers a raw and heartfelt glimpse into Jasper's challenging life. The story delves into his unrequited feelings for Bethany, his struggles to make ends meet through menial jobs, and his determination to provide a better life for his mother. Jasper's fear of rejection is palpable as he places a love letter for Bethany, and his inner turmoil reveals the complexities of his emotions. The narrative skillfully blends moments of vulnerability with the harsh realities he faces, painting a compelling picture of his life's uphill battle. Despite his setbacks, Jasper's drive and determination to rise above his circumstances shine through, making him a relatable and sympathetic character. The story's emotional depth and the protagonist's resilience make it a promising tale of personal growth and overcoming adversity.

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • Gaureeey
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    both bethany and jasper have a v similar talking style ummmm its one flaw the author could work upon

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • Gaureeey
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    4.8 overall, the author's consistency is GREAT also the way that each character has their own distinct identity. a compelling protagonist who awakens in an unfamiliar clearing, grappling with lost memories and a mysterious loss of magic. As he navigates the vibrant forest, his struggle to understand his predicament and regain his abilities becomes palpable. The rich descriptions of the natural surroundings and his internal monologue create an immersive experience, while the encounter with a young woman adds an intriguing layer of human connection to his journey. The narrative sets a promising foundation for a captivating exploration of identity, survival, and the unknown.

    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasía · The_Open_Sky
  • Gaureeey
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    SPLENDID QUALITY!! however i dont think any alterations would help your story you have a different narrative form and its unique, use it best for ur story and i bet people will settle with it, it suits.

    Ch 3 An Unfortunate First Impression
    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasía · The_Open_Sky
  • Gaureeey
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    Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
    Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes
    Fantasía · The_Open_Sky
  • Gaureeey
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    The narrative deftly captures the universal theme of regret, delving into the multifaceted emotions that accompany it. Rihanna's character is skillfully crafted, allowing readers to empathize with her struggles and journey alongside her as she navigates the complex terrain of her past. The story's strength lies in its portrayal of Rihanna's growth as she confronts her regrets and seeks redemption. Her transformation from a woman burdened by her mistakes to one who learns to forgive herself is both relatable and inspiring. The author does an excellent job of weaving her personal growth into the fabric of the romance that unfolds. The romance aspect of the story is a tender and heartwarming journey that serves as a counterbalance to the weight of regret. The introduction of a romantic interest brings an element of hope and healing, creating a satisfying juxtaposition between the past and the present. While the premise is engaging, the pacing occasionally stumbles as it transitions between Rihanna's introspection and the blossoming romance. Some scenes could benefit from further development to enhance emotional resonance and build a stronger connection between the reader and the characters. "Echoes of Regret and Romance" is a tale that tugs at the heartstrings, exploring the vulnerabilities of its characters with authenticity. Through Rihanna's story, readers are reminded of the power of love to heal wounds and create second chances. This novel is a heartfelt exploration of the human experience, offering both a mirror to our own regrets and a beacon of hope for the future.

    Ciudad · MaeHestia
  • Gaureeey
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    Alex hang up the phone and made his way to his study and skimmed over some documents. Tick Tick... Time is passing very fast.
    Ciudad · MaeHestia
  • Gaureeey
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    the usage of imagery is great

    After Rihanna came to her senses only she found the eerie surrounding feeling, in that cold cemetery and the dark surrounding and those troubling cries of birds and unknown animals.
    Ciudad · MaeHestia
  • Gaureeey
    Publicado por

    The vivid world-building draws readers into a vibrant forest teeming with magical creatures and tiers of escalating challenges. Mau's journey from a weak black cat to a formidable shadow panther is a testament to his resilience and determination. The fusion of different races and magical elements lends depth to the story's fantasy world. Mau's internal monologues offer a glimpse into his developing consciousness, showcasing his confusion, curiosity, and growth. The enigmatic observer's intentions add an air of intrigue, keeping readers engaged with the unfolding mystery. While the story presents a unique premise and engaging world, the transition between events occasionally feels abrupt. A deeper exploration of character motivations and emotions could enhance the overall impact of the narrative. Additionally, the writing style could benefit from refinement, as some passages appear disjointed or could be clarified for smoother comprehension. "Whiskers of Destiny" is an imaginative and promising work that introduces readers to a captivating blend of fantasy, rebirth, and the struggle for survival. As Mau navigates his newfound existence and faces formidable challenges, readers are left eager to accompany him on his journey of self-discovery and growth.

    (bl) the little cat form bailmore
    Oriental · Jay_Stylez
  • Gaureeey
    Publicado por

    "Realm Reborn: Chronicles of Everdawn" takes readers on a captivating journey from the familiar confines of a hospital bed to the enchanting realm of Everdawn. Through the eyes of Prince Nathan Von Vladyr, formerly known as Blake, this tale weaves a compelling narrative of transformation and discovery. The author skillfully crafts a world brimming with magic, diverse species, and intricate landscapes. As Nathan grapples with his newfound identity and powers, readers are drawn into a whirlwind of change, where modern knowledge meets ancient enchantment. The fusion of these elements sets the stage for a riveting tale of conquest and destiny. Nathan's determination to forge his kingdom's fate, armed with both his past-life memories and his unique abilities, adds depth to his character. The echoes of his former self add a poignant layer to his quest for power, making the reader reflect on the delicate balance between the past and the present. The challenges that Nathan faces—be it the looming threat of barbarians, rival kingdoms, or pirates—create a sense of urgency that drives the plot forward. The promise of only 12 chapters adds an element of anticipation, leaving readers eager to explore the unfolding of Nathan's journey. While the story shows great promise in its initial chapters, the real test lies ahead as Nathan seeks to solidify his kingdom's defenses and face the adversaries that threaten Everdawn. With a solid foundation laid out, "Realm Reborn: Chronicles of Everdawn" holds the potential to become an epic tale of resilience, growth, and the pursuit of a kingdom's rightful place among the realms.

    Dual Cores: Mage's Conquest
    Fantasía · nekrom1
  • Gaureeey
    Publicado por

    The author surely knows how to conduct a great story amidst the elements of warfare this is great. the beginning was gripping, and excellently crafted by the author. it shows the tension there is stress in the air. id recommend this book!! its very different from books here on web novel

    Destiny Forgers
    Militar · TsukasaFrier
  • Gaureeey
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    this is so tragic. my heart :( but definitely a gripping beginning

    Ch 1 A Tragic Descent
    Destiny Forgers
    Militar · TsukasaFrier
  • Gaureeey
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    love the sensory joyride here!!!

    The man was holding her too close to his body, and that same fragrance sipped into her senses. Tonight, the fragrance was deeper and more prominent on his body. As if he'd just walked right out of the closet.
    Contract Gone Wrong: My Ex-husband Is My Boss
    Ciudad · Husniya_S
  • Gaureeey
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    such a fitting blurb to lure the reader right in! this book I'm sure to finish asap!!!! the mc is so mysterious, and although on this platform a lot of stories like this exist I love to see realistically seductive characters like in this. I'm taken by this ''She was the scar that made his heart bleed. He was the memory she wished to ever forget. He was her nightmare, she was his obsession. He wants vengeance, but his heart won't let go. She wants redemption, but her sins are too cruel to bear'' overall 4.8!!

    Contract Gone Wrong: My Ex-husband Is My Boss
    Ciudad · Husniya_S
  • Gaureeey
    Publicado por

    4.8 solid its a great story ! i love the character and the plot i am to read more I've only read up until 4th chapter, but this is such a pleasant story you set the right tone of suspense since the beginning, WHO DOESNT LOVE A SWEET REVENGE!!! I'm trying not to spoil the story but genuinely wish there was a little more description however its a great start

    Lord of Business
    Ciudad · LordShivaStories
  • Gaureeey
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    "Karma baby"
    Lord of Business
    Ciudad · LordShivaStories