



2020-10-28 Se unióIndonesia



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Rebirth As My Love

When two people are holding hands and almost saying marriage vows, a silver arrow redeems the heart of the man. That man was Prince Pavo Cristatus, life companion to Princess Arabella Muticus. Blood flowed profusely, because the silver arrow pierced the heart and made Breathing stop for a moment. The shock and screams of the many people present, made Arabella instantly limp helplessly. In front of her, her life companion had to die a gruesome death. In the midst of her sadness because she was left by the man she loved so much. Arabella took the hairpin that was in her hair, then stabbed right in the heart and instantly blood came out of her mouth. In the last breath, Arabella looked up at the night sky "By the Gods of Heaven, I am Arabella Muticus. Will be reborn and complete the marriage vows with the Companion of my life, Pavo Cristatus!! I give my blood and heart as an offering!" When the oath was completed, Arabella's breath also stopped. The earth shook violently and a strong wind ravaged the surrounding buildings. The universe grieves for the couple who died on the altar of marriage. The gods granted Arabella's request, the souls of the couple were quickly pulled out and stored in an heirloom urn. Until thousands of years later, when the world is much more modern. The gods released the two souls in different places. How far apart love is, in the end they will meet again. Because of destiny and sacrifice, it has become a sacrifice for their survival. ******** -Urban legend- -Adult Content- -Romance- [Pavu Muticus] A true descendant of the green peacock. [Pavo Cristatus] The original offspring of the white peacock ****

Diana_Yellow · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Hasrat Cinta: Menemukan Suami Pendamping

Ketika Dua insan sedang berpegangan tangan dan hampir mengucap janji pernikahan, Sebuah panah perak menebus jantung sang Pria. Pria itu adalah Pangeran Pavo Cristatus, Pendamping hidup bagi Puteri Arabella Muticus. Darah mengalir deras, karena panah perak menebus jantung dan membuat Pernafasan terhenti seketika. Keterkejutan dan teriakan dari banyaknya orang yang hadir, membuat Arabella seketika melemas tak berdaya. Di depannya, Pendamping hidupnya harus mati mengenaskan.. Di tengah kesedihannya karena di tinggalkan Pria yang sangat dicintai. Arabella mengambil tusuk konde yang ada di rambutnya, Lalu Menusuk tepat di jantung dan seketika darah keluar dari mulutnya. Di sisa-sisa nafas terakhir, Arabella menatap langit malam "Demi Dewa-dewi Langit, Aku Arabella Muticus. Akan terlahir kembali dan menuntaskan janji pernikahan dengan Pendamping hidupku, Pavo Cristatus!! Kuberikan darah dan jantungku sebagai persembahan!." Ketika sumpah itu terselesaikan, Nafas Arabella ikut berhenti.. Bumi bergetar hebat dan angin kencang memporak-poranda bangunan di sekitar. Semesta ikut bersedih, pada pasangan yang mati di altar pernikahan.. Dewa-Dewi mengabulkan Permintaan Arabella, Kedua Jiwa pasangan itu di tarik dengan cepat dan di simpan di dalam guci pusaka. Hingga ribuan tahun setelahnya, Ketika dunia sudah jauh lebih Modern. Dewa-Dewi melepaskan dua jiwa itu di tempat berbeda.. Seberapa jauh cinta di pisahkan, pada akhirnya mereka akan bertemu kembali.. Karena takdir dan pengorbanan, sudah menjadi tumbal bagi keberlangsungan hidup mereka.. ******** -Urban legend- -Konten Dewasa- -Romance- [Pavu Muticus] Keturunan asli dari Merak hijau. [Pavo Cristatus] Keturunan asli dari Merak putih ****

Diana_Yellow · Fantasía
225 Chs