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every thing between the concept, dialogue, pacing, and the system is great but I still don't understand why would he not kill emmon, i get that he wants to cease control of the riverland by marrying his sister children to other great houses of riverland but wouldn't it be better for him to kill him off?? he killed his brother aenys and people didn't suspect him even though they have bad blood between them, why would he not poison him with the strangler whole he have his meal course or slipped or killed by a whore or bandit accidents happen, even if walder send off another groom tywin and his family would have time to convince otherwise, and by doing that he could marry her off to some great houses heirs or lord like (jon arryn, steffon baratheon, etc..) other than that the fanfic is good.👍
why don't he frame emmond as an adulterer so he can break off the marriage?
Make use of his mother character
where is theon?
men in black?