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nevermind I just got to the chapter where they say that if they are weaker than u then u get less xp
I have only read to like 123 but I am loving the book but could u please get ur XP right. like when he killed one of the bosses in the labyrinth (lv 2-5) he got like 150xp but he then kills a lv 13 orc outside the labyrinth and got only 150 like what this isn't mathing right.
y would u not just keep it in the system then no one could get it
bro I loved the idea of the stoy but u faild like y did u make him have 10,000 strength and easily be able to cruch a doorknob that should have been at like 10 if he started at 0 and can do everything a normal person could then his normal strength X 10,000 and if it isn't multiple by his normal strength then it still a huge amount when he started at 0 strength but u make it sound like a small amount like what happens at chapter 100 is he going to have a million strength and he can lift a car like ur numbers r just wrong
he already use is advanced strength if he had 1000 after it evolved into advance then it should go up a 1000 every level
did they not say they were going to balance
ok I love the story but u r getting at of hand like in chapter 108 benefits u said u would give 5 million gold to a tier 1 if u have 100 tier 1 that is 5 billion gold in a year 50 billion for 10,000 tier 1 and later he is going to make an empire so he would have like I don't know a million tier 1 in the army that is 5 trillion for just tier 1 like come on I know that he got a lot of money but that is to much to pay since later u can become a saint how much r u going to pay them a billion a month
this is just a set up for his parents to come in later
oh so now u don't know what the word talent means
like bro come on if ur going to make his talent over powered just go all the way