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Whenever I see a new novel, I read enthusiastically! But after a couple of chapters, I get bored and give up reading, halfway. But it isn't the case with your novel! This is the only story that keeps me tuned. You're doing really great!! I wish you the best future! Please take of yourself and well-wishes to your family.
thank u for the chap! I'm quite eager to witness the entry of PS ><
( strokin beard) hmmm... I see your position is in jeopardy!
pffttt...hahahahhahah how can Bebe be soo foolishly cute?! so precious!!! Bebe x Jia convo's r da best~
oops- sry wrong one. It's nthg
mini theatre is really adorkable. I need the next chappp!
this is even better than the first time >< thank u!!
Duan Duan needs to put in some effort. tch
I understood one thing clearly. Neoma can be shipped with anyone as there are many potential male leads. Bu-but give us a heads-up atleast!