


Stop caring what others think and do your own thing. Having the self-confidence to remain unbothered even when others try to pull you down will do you justice. Be calm. Be cool. Be nonchalant.

2020-09-28 Se unióGlobal



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  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a SoupBowl

    Not exactly It doesn't work like that. It's like taking a vaccine. You'll only get resistance to certain diseases or viruses but it doesn't give you anything like super strength etc. Same logic applies here.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: Before The Game Begins
    Human Cultivation
    Horror · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Zamir

    Very good observation There's a reason for it but it would be a major spoiler if I told you. Thanks for reading also!!

    Despite this, Waver was still adamant that he had to avenge Raven. Blinded by rage, he lunged toward Death. Instructor Brady wanted to stop the commander, but it was too late.
    The Mind World And The Outcast Hero
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a _Re_

    I didn't believe anyone was this far in, assuming you are😧 Thanks for reading!!

    Ch 137 A Date! Fleeting Emotions!
    The Mind World And The Outcast Hero
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    I like the premise of the story. The opening scene really had me with the acting. Synopsis: It's a great and straightforward synopsis that I can not complain about. It's done well and gives the reader enough detail to understand what they're getting into. Great Job! Writing Quality: For someone who doesn't speak English, this is great. I didn't see any grammatical errors and the book felt easy to read. On a platform like this, you go in expecting tons of errors so it's refreshing when a book can deliver without grammatical mistakes! Awesome job! Story Development: The groundwork is there. The characters are interesting. The slow build-up is taking place. The interactions are attention-grabbing and make the reader curious. The only thing I can say is bravo! Keep at it and the story will surely continue to grow!! Character Designs: I'm happy you included the character designs. The last 2 romance books I went through didn't detail their characters which left me quite confused. I know it's down to preference but I believe in Romances, the characters need to be detailed to give insight into who they are and what makes them physically attractive/unattractive. Great job with the descriptions!! Overall: Amazing job, author! You've received the rare 5/5 from me so congratulations and well done! Keep up the amazing work and I'm sure you'll do great. Don't give up!

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Chuzi

    Thanks for the review I must ask what error you noticed though?

    The Mind World And The Outcast Hero
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    The book has an interesting take. I must say that it grabbed my attention in the very first chapter. The MC is certainly unique and not one that most people try to write these days. I like his dark outlook on life. Synopsis: Honestly, this could have been done better. While reading it, I wasn't sure what it was trying to convey. I felt a little confused and so I dived into the story without knowing what to expect. Writing Quality: This is very good. In terms of punctuations, vocabulary, etc, it is done very well. I saw a few instances where capitalizations were missing but those might have just slipped past the author. I'd recommend using Grammarly to catch those hidden errors. Story Development: Again, I like the MC. The story seems interesting and unique. It feels like a breath of fresh air when compared to most of the "copy and paste" stories I've seen. I can get behind the author with this one in regards to pacing and quality. World Background/Building: Not bad. Few more words could be used to describe the setting of the world but that's fine. This book is mixed with normal and abnormal things which I like. Overall: The story seems pretty solid so far. I like the direction and build-up around the character and his attitude. I am the type of person who loves character development though, so while I like the "Nigerian Prince" so far, a change in his attitude, later on, would do him justice. Good job and keep up the good work author!

    Unravel The World
    Ciencia y ficción · Chuzi
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    The story feels like a smooth read. It's direct and fortunately not confusing. It gets to the point and delivers. Synopsis: Great synopsis, though a little lengthy. It feels more like a prologue than a description of what the book is about but that's fine. Writing Quality: Great all round. Nothing to criticize here. Vocabulary, grammar, punctuations, etc, are all on point. This is what makes the book feel so smooth to read. I only saw one part where a single comma was missing but that's nothing to pick at. Story Development: The premise is nice and it's quite captivating. It doesn't feel boring and the pacing is just right. The character's personalities are quite interesting to observe when they interact with one another. Great job here. Character Design: Marked the author real hard here. Though it's a preference for describing how characters look, for a romance book, I always believe that the characters should be described. It makes it more interesting and allows the reader to actually visualize the characters better, as well as gain a better understanding of a few things the love interests like about one another. Overall: There wasn't much to criticize. The book feels relaxing to read and it can certainly do well. I wish the author all the best! Keep at it and this book can make it to the top!!

    I'm gone... deleted
    Fantasía · _Shades_
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    The book is not too bad so far but there is definitely space for improvement. Synopsis: Not that captivating tbh. It lacks flare and doesn't really tell the reader why they should invest their time into the book. Would recommend rewriting the synopsis with a little more flavor. Writing Quality: One of the weakest points of the book. You have run-on sentences, missing punctuations, and capitalization errors. Would recommend using Grammarly to fetch these and also to re-edit the chapters. Story Development: Decent enough. The starting of the book isn't anything captivating. I believe the author might struggle a little with giving attention grabbers. Not that the book has no signs of potential but there isn't much to tell the reader to continue reading. The pacing is kinda slow early on but that's fine. Character Design: For a romance book, I think it's only natural you should describe your characters... At least a little more... Readers want to know how the characters look and what makes them attractive. Not that your characters should be flawless but it would add some color to the book. Overall: The book is R18 in the tags, yet it says General Audiences. Please fix that author. Truthfully, my original rating was 3.4 but I adjusted that to a flat 4 given that I'm unaware if this is your first novel. You might just lack experience so take the free points there. However, the book isn't necessarily bad. It's just flawed and I believe you have the writing potential to make it better. Passion is one thing but passion is wasted if not executed properly. Best of luck in the WSA and I'm sure you can secure a nomination if you are eager to learn and add more to your novel to make it as great as possible. Don't let this review get you down if it's not what you're looking for! Just take it as a learning experience and keep moving forward!!

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Subtorren

    I posted hours ago. Is it not showing or something?

    Ch 29 The Power Of Dreams
    The Vial Of Hypnos
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Subtorren

    Yeah, don't worry. I'll do my best to handle it uniquely. I won't let it be a constant thing where every time he's in a tough spot, it happens

    Ch 29 The Power Of Dreams
    The Vial Of Hypnos
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    This story caught my attention with how it was written. I've seen many books that try to do alternate POVs and fail to execute them properly. But this one does it quite well. Synopsis: This was interesting and well done. It provided dialogue that hints at the personalities of the characters and then expounds on it further with details. Well done, author, but there were like one or two missing words and letters. I believe this could be fixed with editing. Writing Quality: Excellent. But just as I had stated in the synopsis, there are a few missing words and letters in some sentences. Nothing major but revising your chapter would help. World Background: I think the world-building is pretty well done. The story builds just at the right pace and serves the reader a nice contradiction between the male Mc and the female Mc. Good job. Overall: Not much to criticize. The book is captivating and well done. Keep up the good work, author!!

    The unexpected destined mate
    Fantasía · Emmy_Thomson
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Comentado por

    Thanks but I have to because at this rate, I'll never catch up to the leaders of the WPC 😅

    Ch 23 An Offer
    The Vial Of Hypnos
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Subtorren

    Sounds good and good luck with the WSA!

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Subtorren

    Author, why did you delete the book?

    Este libro ha sido eliminado.
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a J_Titan

    Thank you. I'll try reviewing to see why the MC's actions look forced. I'm not sure if you're referring to his fight with Bolton but the truth was Bolton wanted a fight from the beginning for plot purposes further down the line which is why he bothered the MC until he got it. Not sure if that's what you're referring to

    The Vial Of Hypnos
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Prince_nonchalant

    closing quotation* Not hun Saw this late and thought I'd correct

    The shadow of dead.
    Fantasía · Surbhi_mithil
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    The story is certainly unique. It gives off a different vibe from many I've read. If I'm correct then I believe it's somewhat intertwined with the Indian gods. I'll review step by step below: Synopsis: One of the best aspects of the book but I believe it contains just a little too much information. Add a few more sentences and it would look more like a prologue than a synopsis. You should keep this concise and to the point. Writing Quality: Honestly, the grammar is okay but the organization and punctuations are far from perfect. Sometimes you use quotations to dictate dialogue then sometimes you don't. That's very confusing. You should choose one of the two and stop moving between them. There was even an instance or two where you started sentences with quotations and the Hun the closing quotation is nowhere to be found. Story Development: One of the stronger points of this book. It has more of a slow build but that's fine if done correctly which I believe you have the skill to do. Overall: The author has potential and while it isn't a terrible book, there is still space for great improvement. The paragraphs were too crowded, punctuation usage could be better, and some parts were quite confusing. But don't give up. Fix these errors and your book could turn into a masterpiece. Good luck author!

    The shadow of dead.
    Fantasía · Surbhi_mithil
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    Firstly, this story is most certainly unique. I love the vivid descriptions and the way the author brings the story to us. At the time of writing this, there are only 5 chapters so I'll review based on those. Synopsis: Your synopsis is pretty nice and captivating. It sets the expectations and so far seems to meet them. Not much can be criticized there. Writing Quality: Your word choices are phenomenal. Great descriptions and lovely ways of describing both characters and backgrounds. In terms of grammar, you're doing far better than a lot of English speakers. However, I did see a few incomplete words and badly organized sentences but I'll give this 5 stars since you stated that you're no English speaker. Story Development: This is the reason I didn't give you a full 5. While I love the descriptions and the figure of speeches used, I think you overdid it. There's a thing called too much and there was certainly more than the average reader would like to see in just a few paragraphs. If I'm not mistaken, just the first 4 opening paragraphs had like maybe around a total of 6 or so figures of speeches clumped together. That's way too much and it can confuse readers. Not everyone can read between lines so it's best to limit how many figures of speech you use. I used to do this too and I said something like "Kitchen utensils sang from the kitchen due to the shaking" and a reader was like "How the f*** are kitchen utensils singing?". You have to be mindful not to overdo these things in your writing as it can make it unreadable and it did confuse me at some parts too. Character Design and World Background: Already stated that the designs for both the backgrounds and characters were stunning so full marks there. Just try not to overdo it. Overall: 4.6 because the story has potential but it is most definitely confusing at parts. I think you're making your story wayyy too complex. Calm down a bit and relax. Everyone likes to see stunning descriptions now and then, not every 2 sentences. Fix these minor issues and you'll be good to go. Good luck author!

    The Entomancer System - Fate Unbound
    Fantasía · J_Titan
  • Prince_nonchalant
    Publicado por

    So far, it's interesting enough to grab a reader's attention. However, I would recommend that readers read past the first few chapters before deciding to drop or continue. The book isn't bad IMO but it could use some adding of flavor and uniqueness. The book sounds like it's heading to a massive harem plot with an OP character which is fine if appropriately executed. If I'm right, author, please don't let it be one of those books where the girls fawn over the guy senselessly. Synopsis: Honestly, this is pretty weak. I believe the synopsis is the same as your opening paragraph to your first chapter. It doesn't really captivate the reader to check it out. Just my opinion but I believe a synopsis that gives an idea as to where the story is going would do much better. Writing Quality: Organization is pretty good so great job there author. However, vocabulary and punctuation is where you fall short. You even had a few run-on sentences but those are few to none. An example of vocabulary was when you used man's as a pronoun when it should have been men. I recommend using grammarly to fix these issues. Gave this a 4. Story Development: Nothing too insane but it does the job. The first paragraph went straight into the matter which I liked. Sometimes build up is needed but you did this quite well and caught me by surprise. I'm sure other readers will say the same. It was quite captivating though things seemed a little confusing for a while after that. Rated this a 4. World Background: Not much was said about this as it was hard to picture where the characters were. They didn't interact much with the world around them and not much was said to detail how it looked. Sure, small hints are given every now and then but they are quite vague. Would recommend adding more details to bring out an image. Overall: I rated this 4.4 but the story has potential just like any other. It just requires the author to keep pushing forward and not give up. A lot of author's give up because they believe that their story is failing but hopefully, it doesn't come to that for you. If it does, please remember that writing is a process and unless you're some sort of prodigy, you won't always ace it the first time. What's important is to keep moving forward. Your book can do it and win the WPC. Good luck, author! I'm sure you have what it takes! I'll also send a PS in support to help with the competition (I have bad memory but I'll do my best to try... If you don't see a PS from me, don't be afraid to reply to me here lol)

    Stealing The Protagonist’s Yandere Lovers
    Fantasía · Sheizzcoldasice
  • Prince_nonchalant
    respondió a Retsag

    Lol funny but true

    The Vial Of Hypnos
    Fantasía · Prince_nonchalant