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ya this site is just getting worse and worse.
when will the rest of the chapters be available??? can i just not read the end of the story now or something???
new chap plz. such a good story
the whole novel is in 2 alternating languages with no transition. its almost like someone speaking French mostly and occasionally using some English words here and there.
when did bo lifen ever jump on him? pretty sure she just kinda caged him in his chair, very little actual contact.
i dont get this chapter. just feels like its a chapter 50? that just got posted as chapter 1. like a lot of novels have a flash forward at the start of a novel but this doesnt really give us any info or really anything to even look forward to. so there is a girl named anna song that he is gonna have to aim for later, why do we need to know this info in chapter 1? just seems kinda off to me, idk maybe im just dumb.
"ava charlotte and ava"? got too many "ava" in there
plz keep writing. such a good read, love it.
im on pc and cant see the pic. all other pics worked fine tho.
i dont understand all the parenthesis? what is his actual social status? is it 4? 5? 9? what is the (+1) at the beginning for if its only 4? is it now 5 because (+1) and 4? but then why add the (3+1) at the end for? pretty sure this means he has a social status of "5" now but cant be positive.